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Perfect Stranger

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Posts posted by Perfect Stranger

  1. Oh actually, i don't think it is, bout would be clever, "Perfect Stranger" subtle... Says they're a girl to avoid suspicion and then clearly states they're a noob... could be!

    The only history I know between this website and Northsound was that after the Greigsy "episode" Northsound requested the thread was removed. I didn't start this thread to flare it all up again, I just wanted to see how many other people feel like scalping themselves after listening to Northsound.

    And, yes, I know I can just "turn it off" and generally I do, although I am curious to know who deems these moronic DJ's entertaining. I mean there must be a higher body that listens to their mundane, retarded drivel and regards it appropriate entertainment. That's the big I don't get.

  2. Hahaha the Robin Galloway story about being admitted to hospital is a legendary tale that differs every time I hear it. When I was at school it was he was admitted to hospital with either a hoover extention or a light bulb (!) up his arse. I want to believe its true so bad..

    So do the bigwigs at Northsound keep an eye out here or something?...

  3. In my 32 years on this earth, never in my life have I heard so much drivel being spoken than on Northsound. Seriously, who deems these "DJ's" to be entertaining enough to be let loose on air.

    The worst offender, in my opinion is John Mellis. What a cock.

    Hi, btw - I'm a noob.

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