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Posts posted by DrumBum09

  1. Hey guys, interested in joing a FYS/ADTR styled band?

    Well my mate and I (Im 16 and he is nearly 16) are trying to get a serious-enough band off the ground, afterhaving gigged in many bands in the past that didn't work out so well.

    I'm drums and he is guitar, so we are looking for vox (clean and screamed), bass and guitar.

    If you're interested add my msn - matthewnorval@hotmail.com

    any ages from like 16ish-18ish are kool.

    thanks gus :) x

  2. Hey guys.

    Got 2 guitars drums and bass, and some tunes. Heading for a parkwaydrive, bleed from within style, but with originality ofrcourse. We are all 15 and 16 years old, and I ll be 17 in 5 months so we're all an ok age.

    If you're interested in doing screamed vox for us, or just hearing some of the tunes we have on gp6, hit me up on my msn


    cheers :)

  3. Hey guys, I have some slighty unique and unused cymblas to sell :p

    They are all in good condition and have only been used on a few ocassions.

    The one I'm selling at the moment is a ; -

    Stagg, Hand made 20" ride ( VB-RM20 )

    It's a few years old, but has hardly been used. I bought it for like 150 brand new, but I'm happy to sell if for ALOT cheaper ofcourse :p If interested,reply :up:

  4. Hey guys, I am Matthew. I am 15, but will be 16 in early january, so I will be able to play in venues with ages restrictions soon Lol

    Well, I have been playing drums for about 6 years, and I am greatly intesersted in drumming for a heavier style of band

    My main bands and infulences atm are - As blood runs black, Whitechapel, Suicide Silence, Periphery, Architects, Lamb of God, August burns red... so on in a similar manner

    I may be young, but I put alot of work into my drumming and I can play alot of material from Whitechapel and As blood runs black

    so if anyone is interested, even just for a jam, I am up for it

    cheers x

  5. This is only my opinion and probably stupid to say, as you'll probably already know this, but if you're wanting a snare that'll cut through when you playing, and one which has an overall nicer, clearer tone, i suggest buying a snare made from steel instead of wood. Maple shells are rlly good, but steel shells seem to give an overall better sound quality with snares. Bruce Millers have a good few snares

    This was probably no help Lol, but ah well

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