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Posts posted by xterma

  1. do you have lyrics, vocal lines....or are you hoping for a singer to come up with ideas?

    Not really, im pretty useless with topics for lyrics. Everything I try to write sounds totally clichd and not very good.

    Basically id like to let people bring something to this rather than me just dictating what to do.

    Any kinda style of vocals are welcome, even a few lines that i can sample prodigy style would be good. I dont really know what i want so its pretty much open to anything!

  2. Hello

    My names Scott and I make electronic/dance music under the name xterma. Iv been making an album over the last 6 months and the tracks are starting to sound pretty good (at least I think so).

    Im now at the stage were I want to turn these tracks into songs I need vocals. Since Im hopeless at singing, my album has hardly any vocals on it, and as iv found, its incredibly hard to make 10 instrumental songs sound interesting and maintain the listeners attention.

    So now im here asking for help!

    This is open to everyone and anyone, as long as you can sing, or at least, your auto-tuneable.

    Once its finished, the album will be on itunes, amazon, napster, e-music and pretty much every other big download site you can think off.

    If you feature on a song, ill credit you with featuring Your Name after the track on the listings and ill happily remix anything youve got or do some other production work for you in return.

    So check out either

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    and If youd like to contribute, contact me somehow (xterma@live.co.uk) and we can work something out.

    Cheers, Scott

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