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Posts posted by kahlia_xox

  1. i went in to speak to him about a couple and he basically said he wasn't interested in doing me one unless it was big and arty farty. Tried to tell me what i should be wanting lol...nah min, see ye!

    Be interesting to see if he still says the same in a years time.

    Don't want to go to richards as i've heard he's a knob. Draconian any good? Retro rebels? Who u recommmend?

    ive bn to retro rebels n there good aswell.n there really nice theres two tattooist there.but u hve to book it like a week in advance

  2. i went in.didnt have a tattoo in mind.i asked to see there tattoos he had a few in a port folio and some drawings on the wall.i really liked a butterfly, when i asked for it he said he never does the same tattoo twice.i was gutted.but he said hed draw something similar so he did and i loved it.told him how much i wanted to spend so he copied it to the correct size and did it for me.when he was finnished i wanted the lines through it n he added them free hand and didnt add it to the price.it has healed fine and im satisfied.im going there again soonPhotoAlbumBig.jsp?MemberId=1797943370&PhotoAlbumId=9432551654&PhotoId=9432563298

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