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Posts posted by BobbyTheGorilla

  1. My feelings on the subject are a little bit less straight forward that I maybe initially implied. My general feelings towards drugs where you *know* before you even touch them that they will have you completely hooked, they take over your life and most probably destroy any relationships you have with anyone who also isn't using is that you should never touch them.

    Yeah, I agree. Because it's not like I've ever made one mistake or a seriously bad decision in my entire life either :rolleyes:

    And all that stuff about rehabilitation, forgiveness, support and 2nd chances - all a much of tree hugging hippy crap if you ask me. Lets have flogging for petty offenders, hangings for major ones, and flesh eating viruses for junkies... Nice eh?

    On a serious note, I don't know what it is but I'm beginning to think our society has become completely fucked up and people don't really have much empathy for each other any more. As for heroin addicts, I say copy the Swiss. Years ago I knew a recovering drug addict and I asked him why he did it in the first place, his answer was simply that "it was a mistake". We all make mistakes, it's just the consequences that are different.

  2. Y'know, I was discussing this whole business in Archibald Simpsons being quite loud and drunk (oooh irony!!!) and I got these reactions:

    My friend doesn't think it's bad, would submit to it, even though he's a really infrequent pot user. Dumb dumb dumb.

    Girl in the booth in front of us turned around and gave us the Aberdeen 'pod people' stare.

    Something has definitely changed in this country, 20 years ago people would have objected to being asked to prove their innocence - now they react like if you object to your privacy being invaded you must be guilty and hiding something.

    I don't think we, as a nation, deserve to live in a free society to be honest. Somewhere we lost appreciation for the freedoms others fought so hard to give us.

    Anyway, I wonder what your friend would object to. Coming up positive for pot and being searched? Having some found on him and getting a criminal record? A bit of jail time perhaps?

  3. It is deffinately a hugely ridiculous idea. The money could be spent in far better ways to improve public safety.

    There are two things we can do;

    Avoid attending the places which have these tests on principle.

    Do not give the people in the council who approves these measures our votes (I cannot do this howevr as I live in Aberdeenshire).

    "Do not give the people in the council who approves these measures our votes" Excellent idea. After all, that's what all this crap is about, votes and posturing. Many of those people have absolutely no principles and will happily jump on any populist bandwagon (regardless of how stupid it is) if they think there are a few extra votes in it. They probably think there's still a few more votes to gained in banging the authoritarian 'tough on drugs' drum.

    I don't use illegal drugs, that's my choice, but I object to being asked to prove my innocence to gain entry to pub. Way I see it, I shouldn't have to prove anything.

    Anyone up for doing a bit of emailing/letter writing to find out where they stand on it?

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