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Posts posted by JennyD

  1. Thanks for your guesswork, words in my mouth and critical evaluation.

    I left when I got bored, admittedly not very long.

    I didn't pay to get in, no big deal.

    Well done on getting the band in the paper. It made me curious and interested enough to pop my head round the door. However, I think, in your role as band promoter, you should accept my opinion gracefully, move on from this little episode and perhaps concentrate your efforts on your band's chosen target market, otherwise you'll just get yourself in a tizz next time someone of a similar mindset to me has the temerity to disagree with your opinion.

    im not the bands promoter, thats Sazzle R. i actually just wondered how long you watched them for before deciding they werent very good, thats all. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. you respect 'everyone's' opinion of the band (even those who haven't seen them), yet the only opinion you don't respect is the one who has actually seen the band and commented?

    strange way of looking at things...

    ah well...best of luck with that...

    looking at the bigger picture, what Aberdeen needs is to be picked up by a national publication like The List or The Skinny. An 'arts' information hub for all. Problem is, in my opinion, a lack of writers with the cause at heart. Edinburgh and Glasgow has tons of them.

    (this may or may not have been mentioned already - haven't backtracked through the thread lately)

    i was just curious, how long did you stay and watch the band for?

  3. I can't help but notice that this thread has collapsed into a heap of bitchy name calling and recriminations.

    (I first noticed it when I did it myself)

    Lets be positive here, peeps.

    Lessons learned -

    Erotic Fire played the game, and got in the papers, and we're all talking about them (admittedly not in an entirely flattering light, but sure that's rock and roll for you, and it's made them notorious, which is more than most of us ever got to be).

    The local press aren't supporting the music scene, but the local scene wants nothing to do with the press. (There is no reasonable explaination for why ths state of affairs should exist. The local press would feed off the music - if the musicians gave them anything to work with - and the musicians could use the local press as a valuable launching pad for all sorts of mischeif - but only if they're prepared to play by the rules.)

    There's no coverage for local bands, and someone should do something about it (Admittedly there's not much oin the way of local mags/fanzines/coverage in listings magazines, but over the course of this thread, I've seen a fair few people get stuck in and express themselves coherently and articulately. In the words of Black Flag, "Rise Above!" Start pestering people to let you write! Act as if it's you're god-given right! As someone else pointed out, there's strength in numbers, and if enough people make a racket, it becomes hard to ignore.)

    There's nothing to be gained by whining and complaining (so get off thine arse and do something about it.)

    So, if we can all take something away from this little episode, good things could potentially happen. There's enough case studies and histories on this thread to indicate that if you decide to have a go at things, and pester poeple and make your voice heard, eventually people take notice. It might not be in the way you expect (or want) but it's better than nothing.

    And it's all god fun, isn't it?

    Hooray for music!

    i totally agree, you deserve a medal!!!!!! ha ha

  4. I hate Chumbawumba for their name, their music and for things that have nothing to do with them.

    Personally, I think Erotic Fire sounds more like a porn film than an STD. However, that makes no odds to whether I think their music is up to much or not.

    and yet the band managed to get three newspaper articles based on his age last week.

    fair enough but 3 articles none the less

  5. erotic fire continues!!!

    i stand by everything ive said although, maybe i do need to lighten up.

    its more the drummer thing thats got me this worked up.

    i actually dont take life too seriously at all and always look on the positive. you've all just pushed a button.

    some of the comments were funny though and i did laugh my rocks off.

    am i loyal to the band? yes and always will be.

    am i letting this bother me too much? probably

    erotic fire till i die? definitely!!!! lol

  6. erotic fire

    I couldnt care less what a band is called, if i enjoy they're music, thats good enough for me.

    Surely, thats what its all about? If you dont enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with that.Each to their own.

    Yes, im defensive about the drummer being so young comments. Who would even question that in the way it has been?? His age has no bearing on his ability or why he's in the band.

    As for the press, yes, i agree there's not enough coverage of local music but thats not Erotic fire's bloody fault.

    I shouldnt get so worked up about this, thats true.

    The "jealousy" comments im not interested in at all. i just think that if anything good can come out of this city, surely we should encourage it? and im not just talking about erotic fire, im talking about all good bands on the go at the moment.

    isnt there room for everyone? we cant all like everything but why slam people who are trying?

  7. Erotic Fire

    well, ive read all the comments regarding this Aberdeen band and it really got my blood boiling so ive got to get a few things off my chest!

    First of all, as far as im concerened, if you have NEVER been to see this band, then your opinion means nothing! How the hell can you comment on something you've never got off you're arse to go and see??

    As for them being in 3 newspapers last week, YES 3 well, how many newspapers has YOUR band (if you're in one) been in? Have i even heard of them? I doubt it very much. And no, i dont agree that they are selling out, its called PUBLICITY! something you need if you intend to get anywhere. All publicity is good publicity, as they say.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion on music and if you dont like their sound fair enough, but dont put them down because they're being noticed and you're not. Green is not a nice colour.

    As for their name, you've bloody well heard of them, havent you? Good or bad, you've heard of them!!!!

    Im absolutely disgusted that a few of you are making lewd suggestions as to why they have a 15 year old drummer. Ill tell you why, cos he's an amazing drummer but then how would any of you know, if you've not actually seen them!

    These sinister, disgusting suggestions say more about the way YOU think than the band.

    They are a great bunch of guys just trying to get somewhere. if you dont like that, well, thats your problem.

    If you have an opinion on the actual music and you've seen them, fair enough but dont lower yourself to slagging them off for their name, the paper articles, the drummer etc

    Its just all in bad taste!!!

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