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Posts posted by nesta6245

  1. trying to raise money to save the venue really isnt the answer i feel, all it would be doing is papering over the cracks. someone needs to take hold of the business and give it a complete overhaul. it needs to be someone who looks at the project long term and is prepared to lose money in the short term whilst sorting the place out.

    I totally agree but in the short term would it not be better to keep the place open and then hopefully the board can look at their options, ie taking someone in to sort the mess out and get it running at full potential. Once it closes down for good who knows what could happen it may never reopen in it's original form.

  2. welcome, as with most forums there are a few bad seeds but stick with it and you'll be fine. take most of what you read with a pinch of salt. :)


    Now back to the Lemon Tree. In the paper it's saying the staff are trying to raise a large amount of cash and have 2 weeks to do so. No mention of where I send my money though and how I can help. Madness gig tonight, I would be willing to stand outside the exhibition centre with a bucket before the gig collecting, same for Kaisers on Saturday. This is where they will get the donations, most people going to AECC for a gig will want to help save the place, sure a fair number of them will be LT regulars. To get the biggest benefit there would need to be a lot of us collecting.

    Does anyone know how to go about contacting them?

  3. Taken from the Press & Journal story:-

    Councillors agreed unanimously that the venue should be offered the chance to take out a loan from the city council administered Aberdeen Business Enterprise Scheme, or the Lemon Tree could have had its overdraft facility underwritten up to a new limit by the local authority.

    Neither option was taken up by the board.

    Full story can be found Here

    This is what I can't understand. Call me a sceptic but I wonder if anyone on the board has other interests ie property developing.

    Hi, btw, I'm new here. If it wasn't for the Lemon Tree closure, I place I love and will sorely miss, I wouldn't have found this place. It's quite good, depending on how friendly you all are I might stay.

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