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Posts posted by LambruscoKid

  1. Hello, I'm a bass player and my brother is a drummer and we're looking to start up a band as soon as.

    Singer, Guitar player(s) are desperately needed, wouldn't say no to a keyboard player either.

    Influences (ie don't want to be a clone of): Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Motorhead, WASP, Status Quo, Whitesnake, Styx, Mott the Hoople etc

    We have a very wide range in music taste and that would be preferable

    If interested, get in touh with me here or we both have myspace -

    myspace.com/pippinroxforeversixx or


    Thanks :up:

  2. Bass player looking to start up a new band since my last fell apart.

    My main influenced are Van Halen, Motley Crue, WASP, Def Leppard, Skid Row, Twisted Sister, Whitesnake ect

    A wide range of music is prefered

    If interested email me/add my msn - rock_the_night@hotmail.co.uk or

    MySpace.com - Lambrusco Kid - 18 - Female - Aberdeen, UK - www.myspace.com/pippinroxforeversixx or

    I hang out at the Moorings all the time, come down and ask around, you'll find me

    /Lambrusco Kid

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