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Posts posted by GTFthemuse

  1. Was anyone else at the Killers. They were not as bad as l thought it would be. BRMC supported and were ace. Although as usual most of my and my dads veiw (hes a bit of a short arse) were blocked by the hundreds of mobile phones and cameras trying to get some crappie quality film and obscuring the view for everyone else. Anyway... any comments???

  2. Muse are a big draw for me. And bloc party, not to sure about the rest but im sure it will be fine. Think i will wait and see who else is drafted in before comitting 130 quid or what ever it is to just see a few bands. If not i will work in the beer tents again! belting!

  3. I agree men, women and children were amazing. Forward Russia have become more polished and sound more like the album. Ive seen iFR! 3 times previous but when they started they sounded very rough. I think there style of music sounds better with a more polished finish. Also the new songs that they played were really good. Anyway these are my revised notes on the gig. lol :up:

  4. I had been waiting to see Bloc Party for ages and for the gig to be spoiled by some numpty with no brain was a huge disapontment. When the band returened they just did't look up for it. Feilds were good but the sound quaility was dyer, will probably put me off going to the music hall unless its a gig i really want to see. Anyway... hope this whole thing dose'nt put off other bands in the future, i have a feeling it will be a long time before we see bloc party again! :down:

  5. Was anyone else at the lemon tree last night (monday) for the iForward Russia! gig. I thought it was ace. As far as live acts go they were amazing and the support bands made it a great all round show. Any views from out there?

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