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The Slave

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Posts posted by The Slave

  1. I do find it quite interesting a handful of people are slating the doorstaff at Exodus. Going from past experiences, student bars are one of the hardest places to work in due to the clientele. Of course it can be different to a rough bar with fights always going on but the biggest difference with students and non students is that students have the skill in winding people up. Imagine yourself as a doorman. night after night you receive abuse and patronising comments from the sutdents coming in or leaving. Students obviuosly like to drink in excessive amounts and that makes it very difficult to deal with. If you have to deal with that night after night, it does make you seem you are a misserable person.

    Now like I said, a handful of people have been complaining here but on the whole whenever I am in Aberdeen, I always hear great things about the club. Being the suspicious person I am, I believe half the posters here are not telling us the whole truth. PErhaps you were kicked out of the place for being too drunk, too boisterous or whatever, but you want to take it out on the bouncers.

    A great trick that bouncers have to learn to do the job is to tell little white lies. Refusing someone for being too drunk may not be the only reason they are getting knock backed, it could be for another reason but if they were to say that reason, it could trigger aggression. The job of a doormen is a very difficult job an dI could honestly say from experience of night outs ni Exodus, they are doing a good a job as possible. But people do tend to bend the truth for why they were thrown out of a place and find this very suspicious.

    They would not drag you out like that. Especially with the CCTV available there and the number of witnesses. Believe it or not, but if this did happen, the police would be straight there and have the doorman arrested.

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