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Posts posted by ilovesnoopy559

  1. little bit about me

    i haven't played bass all that long and am still trying to learn techniques, however have played classical guitar for about 9-10 years - managed to get to grade 6 in that. also managed grade 6 in piano too. so should easily be able to pick up tunes already written. not too sure about writing tunes, but i guess that comes with practice, and i havent tried yet - its kind of scary, will get round to it one day.

    i am female, 20 and live in aberdeen city centre

    ideally i would like to join a band to work towards playing gigs, but wouldn't mind to just "jam" for fun too, at the beginning anyways. till i can pick up some more skills.

    as i said before, i would be a fairly quick learner. i like a really really wide variety of music. dont even know where to begin - dont want to name bands coz once i get started i would never stop. dont really like heavy metal or screamo type music - but pretty much almost anything apart from that ... 80's rock / 70's soul / modern pop/rock / some metal / ska - really some of anything .....

    can send e-mail out if i get any replies

  2. Bass Player

    Hey - i havent been playing bass for long at all, however i have been playing classical guitar for quite a few years, and reached grade 6. so could pick up new tunes already written fairly easily. not sure how i would do at writing any material at the moment as havent tried. not exactly sure how to go about this so hope to hear back from you soon. my e-mail address if you would like to get in touch is ilovesnoopy559@hotmail.com


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