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Posts posted by ash.

  1. haha i love jeremy kyle. he's always been there, done that, worn the t-shirt...

    "you're 15 and pregnant and you don't know who the dad is and you're addicted to heroin and you smoke 40 a day and down a litre of vodka with your corn flakes? i've been there, i know how you feel, my sister was pregnant once...."

    i've heard a lot about him being a dick on half tonne hospital but i'm never in to see it...

  2. Well either it was him, or he's been boasting about something he didn't do to some birds he was trying to pull.

    Either way it's not the smoothest move I've ever seen.

    haha worst chat up line ever.

    "so yeah this one time i made a fake rfr promotions myspace...8-)"

  3. I'm happy with the fact that Stand and Deliver was played twice, and the Foxtopus got into the program...

    i really want to see the pictures in the zine, i'll buy you a drink if you take it with you when i meet up with you next... which will be soon i hope. not too long until student loan day and richness.:up:

  4. Sadly true. Each sex is as bad as the other for admiring the stereotypes of perfection Jude Law is personal guilty pleasure. In reality Ive never found any muscle bound men that Ive met attractive not once. To me its something that looks fine thats fine, not fantastic - on a TV screen all glitzed up but the reality of it is quite unappealing. I actually find a lot of muscle to be really very repulsive though I know a small minority of girls that adore it. A normal, healthy body is by far the best thing to have in my eyes. Most girls I know are usually inclined to agree. The odd trip to the gym doesnt go astray but I always feel suspicious of someone who spends so much time grooming their body and looks. Its also crap to cuddle a rock.

    yep i have to say i agree with that... 6 pack and muscley arms just isn't nice. i like guys that are not too thin and not too fat, just normal. the last guy i was with was 5ft 10 and only about 8 stone and lying next to him made me feel like the fattest size 14ish in the world, haha.

  5. yes. yes there is. and there's no other reason that i would be up at this ungodly hour unless i'd just spent all night trying to finish the bloody thing.

    it will have 16 pages and contain interviews with the bands playing, a round up of last year, some demo reviews and the best of the drawings scrawled childishly on the voting slips. assuming all goes to plan.

    i can't make it on saturday but i really want one of these :(

  6. I've been wanting to play at the Moorings for some time now, apparently Fudge is the only person who puts on gigs there.... shame


    not really doing yourself many favours with regards to playing the moorings with statements like that are you...

  7. i think the smoking ban has been ace. i was cynical about it to start with but no, it's all good. when i went to england lately and people were smoking in pubs and clubs it was just weird.

    i had friends up from england a while back and they agreed it was better. i quite enjoy going outside to smoke, particularly at the moorings, met some real interesting characters outside! :up:

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