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Posts posted by lil_kazzy

  1. Twasn't just med students rache, cause there were flyers about it in Square 13 too. I think it's just for any female between 15 and 25, but they felt med students were a good captive audience, cause they'd definitely be here for the next 4 years to complete the study.

    That's if they didn't fail. *sulks*

  2. 'I know the pieces fit cause i watched them fall away'

    'the black rose in a field of dasies' (complete with wee rose icons)

    'No More Am I Ashamed. I've Felt Too Much Pain In This Life. Agony Has Torn At My Heart To Long. Let Me Go'

    Complete with mis-spellings. Fun fun. (Apologies to anyone on here whose screen names I've posted - if they hadn't been so 'emo' I wouldn't have :p)

  3. Yes' date=' but such things require discipline, which I don't have very much of at all.

    Besides, usually I walk it or get the late night bus for 2[/quote']

    2 for a night out is nothing! (Actually, I think it went up to 2.10 at the last bus fare hike). You should learn discipline and come out with us lot sometime :)

    But back on topic, pretty much my entire wardrobe consists of hooded tops.

  4. Perils of having nae money quine.

    I have no money either. You can have a pretty cheap night out drinking water and using a free entry flyer to get into moshulu. Unfortunately taxis home are incredibly expensive.. but still 10 or so total for a night out isn't gonna break the bank :p

  5. If they're going to ban hooded tops then they're going to have to pay for a whole new wardrobe for me because I have nothing else warm to wear on my top half.

    I just hope they don't ban baggy jeans too, because then I'd have to go around naked :/

    Just adding: I'm greatly amused at the scene points I gained for this post.

  6. Hypothetical situation; Blair starts a war and England is being bombed...Scotland are now totally independent...will the bombs land here even though Scotland has done nothing wrong? I'd say yes...because on these isles Aberdeen has a massive oil economy that would be a huge terrorist target' date=' linked with England or not...


    Take Switzerland for example. Neutral country. Borders on Germany. Relatively rich really. Didn't get bombed during WWII for just happening to border on Germany. They were pretty much un-involved. (Apart from the fact that trains went through from germany to italy and the other way, but I really don't see that that would be a problem for Scotland).

    I don't think that terrorists are really interested in the UK at all. We're far from the world's most powerful countries. There's no way there was even a 10% terrorist threat - America, France, Germany, Japan, Australia would have been the first targets. And even Spain (as was proved last year).

    'Terror threat' is no reason not to vote for an independent Scotland. In fact, completely the opposite. Westminster wants to cut down our defences. For some strange reason, they believe that defences should be given out according to population, rather than land-mass. Now I'm certainly not for nuclear weapons (or weapons of any sort), but if defence is what you're worried about, Labour is going to cut down the defences in Scotland, meaning we'd be pretty much unable to defend our borders if it came down to it.

    (I'm aware that Switzerland probably isn't the best example in the world, but it's the best I could come up with at the moment)

  7. You can kip on me and Shar's sofa' date=' you know that :p And things will work out...[/color']

    Haha, you haven't seen me first thing in the morning, I think it would terrify you so much that you'd never make that offer again :p

    Housing's not the major worry though, no doubt I'll be able to find somewhere, if I even decide to stay in Aberdeen. Thinking about it, there's probably not that much (apart from you guys) keeping me here.

    But just in case, get a comfy sofa :p

  8. "I'm sure it'll be fine" and "It'll work out" are two of the best phrases to use where uni are invloved.

    Aye. Not so good to use when the possibility of homelessness is out there. But ah well.

  9. Hmm. I don't have a clue where I'll be living next year. Don't have a clue what course I'll be doing either. If I even go to uni. Bit of a mess really :/ Probably wouldn't go into halls though - it's easy enough to find a student flat for relatively cheap.

  10. That's a real shame. I think that towards the end of my student life' date=' more glitzy bars were opening on Belmont Street which must have put some pressure on the union. I always preferred the old Wild Boar anyway. It was dirty and sold cakes. The new one is shiny with no cakes. Ikaruga does not like this.

    Isn't Pivo quite small? really small? even with the upstairs pool "hall".[/quote']

    Nah, Pivo's alright. Much smaller than any union should be, but not a bad place for a union while we have no proper one.

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