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Posts posted by JOURNEYMAN

  1. Definitely a rant!

    I think the members of Cleartone should get their facts straight before blurting out their recollection of last Friday's events at Rockers in Glasgow.

    Agreed, the venue booked another SUPPORT act when Forgotten Sons had already taken care of the support slot by inviting Caithness based BOSS HOGG to fill the spot.

    The venue was informed regards this and should have informed Cleartone that their services were not required that night.

    I would say that they had no right to deface Forgotten Son's posters by writing their band name on it. The poster was prepared by ourselves and clearly stated we had our own support act.

    With regards to the equipment situation, Cleartone had the use of the same equipment as Boss Hogg with the exception of Forgotten Sons guitarist's amplifier which the Boss Hogg frontman used as he is a close personal friend of the FS gutarist and play in another band together. Anyway, another decent Marshall combo was there to be used.

    In the Forgotten Sons drummer's defence, he has a double kick 7 piece setup which once in place and set up is rather hard to dismantle and set up again without wasting even more time on a night where it was rather short to begin with.

    Our bass player was also kind enough to allow both bass players to go through his rig.

    Both support bands played through the same equipment.

    Also it would have been extremely difficult for our guitarist to loan his guitar to either of the other bands as he is a left handed player.

    Guitars are rather personal instruments anyway and any decent guitarist should always bring a spare for back up.

    I should also mention that Cleartone and Boss Hogg were on stage for a similar time period.

    Anyway, I won't go on any further, I just felt that a few things should be made clear in amongst the array of childish remarks I've read previously on ths thread.

    Concentrate a bit more on your music and I'm sure you'll get where your going.

    Keep rocking in the free world!!! :rockon:


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