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Posts posted by quitefrankly

  1. lower price sale!

    Gettin rid of some unused stuff, role up role up folks.

    Turner electro acoustic guitar. Blue body with Red scratch plate, only a year old and never really taken out of the bedroom. Bought for around 350 will sell for 200 yes thats right knocking 150 bucks off it for no other reason than I've had it a year.

    I bought it with a lovely flight case, one of the really hard decent one's with a really fluffy red interior and this to is in good condition. Will sell for 20 bucks or for 200 altogether if bought with the guitar.

    also selling the worlds best guitar mic, the SM58, still boxed and never used ideal for your recording, live music needs. Cost 99 new, will sell for 50.

    PM if interested.

  2. hey dude,

    Neil here. I was quite interested in your add, even though your site was about as helpful as salt to an open wound! I've been in bands before, can play a guitar, write songs and lyrics, draw covers and sing. I'd be quite interested in taking a back seat musically and hepling to craft songs. Its the only thing I haven't tried. If you want I'll send you a brief demo minidisk, I might not be the voice your looking for!

  3. hey. thats a good point Preid, I could just use a drum machine I guess. But you can't blame a shit gig on a drum machine! Hey Chi, a wasn't sayin no mate, am just kind of hopin someone who was into indie would reply and say that they fancied just doin simple stuff. Anyway, me and another guy on here are gonna meet Sunday and talk about what do with some of ma material and some of his. He's a guitarist. We're gonna do simple stuff, just chords and melody, if you fancy some of that your welcome!

  4. Hi all,

    I've got a great little offer here for any drummer who might not be amazing yet. I just thought that with all the pretty decent drummers out there, folks who are not as flash might need someone or somewhere to play that doesn't demand high standards. I know there is a drummer draught out there, but if there is someone who is just starting out and who can keep time and maybe knock out a couple of other beats, but can't do crazy fills or fancy stuff, please get in touch.

    I'm 19, a guitarist, and I play pretty simple stuff, so as long as you can boom boom boom you'll do for me. Am in the early stages of settin up yet another band, so just a chat at first is cool. Also, it would be good is you enjoyed playing, although I can't imagine why else you'd do it, and some free time. Oh, and humour, obviously.


  5. ha!

    I do actually, I'll know not to let my eight year old little sister write internet replies for me again! So whats your crack buddy? are you looking for bandmates? Am game like, just finished with a band that worked to hard ( and yes there is such a disease as wanting it too much I reckon) just got some material of my own and want to have fun with it.

  6. hi

    Neil here. I have just left a band. in the sand. i hope they understand, because that would be grand. When I'm not picking my nose, I have a free hand.

    ignore all that shit. I am interested in being in your band, I hope you understand. I play guitar, so far. I used to be in band called Catch a fire, but it came time for me to retire, so I'm for hire! I am 19, with brown hair, grey eyes and a good sense of humour. I can jam as much as 2 times a week, at my peak, but usually just the once because. I like the Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Elliot Smith, Rufus Wainwright etc......

    I write all my own material. it goes with my guitar like milk and cereal. if you are up for a jam or a chat, lets meet in town, I'll give you the low down!


  7. Hi. My name is Neil. I'm currently in a band called Catch a Fire, and we rock in a kind of, "nobody has heard of us or heard us, but the practises are showing promise, kind of way." We consist of a guitarist ( Me) a drummer ( the impeccable Charlie) a keyboard player ( Denes the key king) and Jessica the singer, who is great fun.

    We practise three times a week, twice in a practise room in town that is affordable and full of good cheer. We have a great creative atmosphere and a good sense of fun in our practises, but most of all we are tight friends and respect each others abilities and lives.

    We sound a bit like Rufus Wainwright meets Radiohead meets Depeche Mode, but to be honest when we get together its anybodies guess what we will end up playing or creating. We are looking for a bass player who is easy going, happy-go-lucky, talented and most of all serious about getting a record deal. Age 18-28, with free time to jam and own gear.

    thanks all, PM me and we'll jam! Wheeze a juice. N x

  8. My Band, Cosy MOSES, are looking for a female singer to work with us on our material. so far we have about 9 songs and a good solid band atmosphere, as well as a regular place to practise. The band has a great attitude, dedication, we practise over 9 hours a week and we keep it up. We are looking to produce a demo in January and then gig in March and hopefully get some attention. We are serious.

    The bands influences are Genesis, Rufus Wainwright, Smashing Pumpkins, Rem and Nirvana. We have a good way of producing songs and a jovial, happy atmosphere at practise. We want someone who can carry a tune, but most of all we need you to believe in what your singing and be confident.

    As far as songwriting is concerned, we all pitch in, so any creativity you have will be welcome.

    the age range of the band is 19 to 26? Interested? Get in touch by PM and we'll get you along to jam


  9. hey there!

    Hey, transmute, its Neil here.

    Sorry for the major long absence, been taking time oot to work on an album of solo stuff and now thats in the bag av got a new idea for a band and I want you to drum. I had fun with those boys from hillhead last year, they were a great laugh and we had good times, but I really wanna persue our shared love of sonic youth and more expressive stuff.

    Anyway, got a new address and looking for some more people to join. What do you think of the name ELIOS ECHO. It's the name of a poet that I invented and the ideas for the band all go along with that. anyway, drop me a PM and we can organise a jam!!!

  10. Hey, Im a guitarist looking for a singer, creative writer to start working on some acoustic stuff with and maybe try to make some dough from gigs. Don't care if you are male or female, just have to be up for practise and have confidence.

  11. Hey all,

    Looking for a bassist to join a female drummer and me, vocalist and guitarist, to complete experimental band. Think Interpol meets Idlewild, with the loose structures of Jeff Buckley and the dynamics of Biffy or the Pumpkins.

    Can you commit to about two practises a week ( have own practise space) with a chance for a few pints afterwards to talk about songs and stuff. There is already a tape of material ready for anyone who wants to hear it. We have a very casual attitude to songwriting etc and are serious about progressing.

    Please PM if you are interested. Roughly in the 18-25 age group, merci.

  12. hey mate

    Alright chief,

    My name is Neil. I been playing guitar for about 4 years, have an epiphone SG, 100 watt amp and leads and can make practise 3 times a week. However, when u mention that you like ACDC and Guns, do you mean that level of soloin. Cos, I am alright, a bit rusty cos its been a while but I can bash out some good melodic work and played lead before in ma own band the Fontains

    I also may be handy creatively, have a lot of shit in a back catalogue of about 20 songs and can sing harmonies or whatever,

    Basically, if you're lookin for a young Jimmy Page I ain't he, but if you want a solid confident guitarist and a half decent songwriter give me a beel back and maybe I can jam with you guys?

  13. hey Wurly

    alright man, looking for something interesting. Me too. kind of have a plan going. Anyway, what are your influences. I like

    pearl jam,


    crowded house

    deacon blue

    the yeh yeh yehs

    Elliot smith

    all the seattle bands of the 90's


  14. Alright everyone. The other day I walked from Hillhead to Union Street to get some stuff I needed to record a new demo. Anyhoo, I'm walkin back and on the way I get lost, going down some sidestreet and into a couple of neighbourhoods I never seen before. Then, I come across Sunnybank Road, and as I'm walkin onto it, I hear this heavy as hell drummin. So, I stop and have a wee listen, and someone is hittin out some crackin' beats. I don't want to give the house number for fear of exposin another persons details, but if this was you or someone you know, post back Thanks

    Neil :up:

  15. hey patch

    yeh man, I'm up for a jam some time, i'll pm you with a date sometime. By the way, the drum kit up here is one heap of shit still, but there was word that a new one was on the cards. But in my humble opinion theres more chance of a duet involving Kurt Cobain and Charlie from busted, if you know what I mean. Cya around.


  16. wait a minute

    Hey, I just read your post again, and Im confused. Are you one of these wierd guys who does not like to be called man because they thing themselves as above all the stereotypical mailefactions like scratching your balls and talking about sex, or are you actually a woman?

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