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Posts posted by RTG

  1. get someone else to write your lyrics and you'll be best 'pop/punk' band this side of scotland in my opinion! really impressed! got any gigs coming up? where did you record your demos?



    We don't have any immediate gigs at the moment as the one we were meant to be playing tonight got cancelled. But next ones so far:

    (TBC) April (AM)- Acoustiic in Sound n Vision

    (TBC) April (PM) - Ocean, Elgin

    30th April (AM) - Acoustic, Commercial in Keith (Ewan McFarlene)

    There will be more soon though, looking into Inverness, Aberdeen, Edinburugh and Glasgow for the summer!

    Also the recording was done in Unity Studio in Auldearn with Alan Hartfeild. I't our third time with him, but this time the sound we got was much better, or more suited to what we were after which was great!


    Robi TGx

  2. haha thanks. yeh the Aftershock is the only song which we've all contributed to lyrics, so i guess we'll burn together on that one. Cheers for all the comments.

    Havn't played at all in Aberdeen, but were really hoping to soon, so maybe if someone could let us know the best place to play would be and I'll work on it!

    Thanks again,

    Robi TGx

  3. Hey Dr Drakes,

    No we have been in touch once before however nothing has been organised. Dont worry though were planning well ahead, we wont just turn up one day, and we'll get in touch with a demo soon!

    Sorry if this is confusing!


    RTG - The gen

  4. Hey,

    I spoke to the guys and we agreed that we were hoping to get a band who can help us out with getting a crowd. Problem being that if we have the night split between rap and rock then it will prove a mix of crowds and then perhaps not such an understanding one for us or for you.

    Really sorry,

    The Gen

  5. Hey we are hoping to get a gig organised within the next couple of months in Aberdeen and are looking for an Aberdeen band to play with.

    The line up would be us-

    The Gen (www.thegen.tk)

    -Young alt rock band from Elgin


    Silver Division (www.silverdivision.tk)

    -Classic Rock n Roll band from Glasgow.

    If any one could help us out that would be great. Thinking of mabye Drakes but if anyone has the reputation to squeeze us in anywhere else then that would be awesome.


    Robi (The Gen)

  6. Frostyjack, thanks for the comment; we'll hopefully have more time to perfect and explore the possibilitys in the newer songs before we go on to record them. So keep an eye uot to see if we can improve on wht you've said, dum dum dum... :band:

  7. Hey glad to see The Method getting a mention. They are a terrific band in need of a serious fanbase; looks like it's starting to happen anyway. I have the CD too! My favorite track is "Tell The Story". I also went to see them at the loft with Biffy and they played a great set so well done guys and keep it up!

    P.S - Rumour has it we could be playing a gig with them soon! (www.thegen.tk)

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