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Posts posted by Cat

  1. Flat

    fucking solicitors, my flat's been on the market since august with limited interest and their only suggestion is to lower the price by 5k. It would be cheaper to redecorate and redo the photos, advertise in the evening and relist on the aspc but they've suggested none of this. They seem to be taking the hump that i've dared suggest they could be doing more to promote our property.

    they also suggested that we could sell it part exchange for a stewart milne new build. fuck that.

    Double fuck that. When you sell a Stewart Milne home you are obliged to give him a % of the profit or a minimum of 20k or something like that. Small print! (I am talking about the 100-200k houses.) Never mind the fact that they are made of paper.

    Also anyone wanting to buy your flat will probably come in with an offer 5k under anyway.


  2. they couldn't make chili, which in turn had a negative knock-on effect on practically the whole menu.

    Haha.There's only one person who should make the chilli in there. :) I like the food in there. It always seems fine no matter what chef is on but then I am usually deliberately starving so I can eat it all. Atm they seem to be changing things and chefs so that might be a reason.

    I was thinking about going to eat there now.....


  3. Rubbiss

    They only pretend to be interested in anything you say to get money off you, no different to prostitution. And pole dancing is about as arousing as iced-water over the bollocks anyway, pointless gyrating.

    Not always true. Some of the girls are genuine and if you don't want to give them money you tell them that and then see which ones will stick around listening to you. I don't know if you would find a stripper who would understand you anyways. :p And pole dancing can have more then gyrating in it. If something annoys you that much don't pay attention to it.

    I know that strip clubs are really not for everyone and I agree that some blokes that have partners should be spending their money on their partner more then a stripper.

    Anyway I was told that the Sapphire club would be a swingers club.All sounds dodgey to me.

    Let's see how it does.

    Cat xx

  4. Faint....

    My sister took me to give blood once found and I was O negative too. But my sister didn't mention you were meant to eat and drink lots of water :nono:

    I fainted really really badly. :down:

    So make sure you drink lots of water and eat before you go......

    Cat xx

  5. Here are a few of mine:

    1. People who tell you 'they know how you feel' when you just want a quick moan.

    2. When you go to see your favourite band and the people in the crowd behind you deliberately pull your hair EVEN though you tie it up out of consideration for them (and to preserve the skin on your scalp).Is there something wrong with having long hair?

    3. Also all those tall people who congregate at the front wrecking the view for short asses like me. :(

    4. People who moan they are always bored (they make me bored.)

    5. Partners who aren't straight with me. :nono:

    6. People who ALWAYS have to be right! Get a fucking grip you can't always be right.

    7. Arrogance and pretentiousness...

    8. Those groups that harrass you in the street for money and want you to sign up to give money to some 'blind people somewhere'. I'd choose when to help.

    9. So called 'Friends' who deliberately sleep with guys you want because they are jealous or something.

    1- Being told to cheer up by some old guy at work. I resent it beyond words. I'm at work you fuck. I'm serving you and your sleazy drunken friends and I'm not even getting a 'thank you' when I hand you your pint. Telling me to cheer up is a sure fire way to getting a withering look which will remind you exactly how little you mean to me. And maybe your pint in your crotch. And guess what? I won't apologise.

    10. I also resent the People who say 'it's not that bad' and 'smile' I want to punch them every time..... :( I have a right to smile when I want.

    11. People who won't stop talking to you (when you're in a bad mood ) even when you say 'stop speaking to me because you're making me want to punch your face in'. :swearing: There's just some people in the world I NEVER want to associate in ANY way EVER. Unfortunately you can't escpae when you're working with them....

    12. People who love the sound of their own voices too much.

    13. Indecisive people who can never make up their mind what the want to do (I admit that has happened to me but I usually come up with something.... You don't always have to do things that involve spending money or drinking!)

    14. People who can't live without a partner. You should be able to be strong and single and independent sometimes and never NEED anyone except yourself.

    (This thread makes me feel violent....I love this thread)

    Cat xx

  6. In case you haven't noticed we are entering summer now.

    You wouldn't think so in Aberdeen though.

    Every summer there seems to be a hot genre/style of music that people favour most.

    Most recent it seems to have been Emo all the way.

    Before that there was lots of Nu-metal,Indie, Punk etc.

    I'm curious on what the next favoured genre will be/is?

    Maybe its time for the lesser known styles such as Grindcore,Ambient,Industrial etc to be popular?

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