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Posts posted by meekshallinherit

  1. I did my dissertation on the ways in which the music press engaged readers with politics, however I did touch upon those questions also so if you think it would be helpful I could send you mine (presuming I've still got a copy on my laptop)?

    That would be fantastic.  Thank you very much.

  2. Print vs Online seems to have little to do with the subject matter and more to do with consumption habits as a whole.


    You could just replace 'Music' with 'Golf' or 'Carpentry'. What hypothesis are you testing here?


    My guesses are:

    • Print journalism is, and will continue to be overtaken by online journalism.
    • You can make a career as a music journalist now, just as you could in the past, only you publish your stuff online.
    • Bloggers will get paid for their content if they're good enough and eschew traditional paths to music journalism. 
    • Some major publications will struggle to transition to an online experience, some will flourish. 

    I was just using print vs online as an off the cuff way to sum it up.  Cheers for the input though.



    As a music journalist:

    It's still fine!

    I can make a career out of this right?

    Please employ me!

    It's still fine!

    People read magazines still!

    It's still fine!

    I'm so fucked

    Haha.  If you don't mind my asking, who do you work for?  Would you be up for answering a few questions?

  3. Hello all,


    I'm writing my disseration on the subject of music journalism, more specifically, the challenges presented by new technology.  Basically, print vs online, and I'm conducting a survey on the subject.


    It needs to be answered by people who are "into" music so I would hugely appreciate it if anyone on here could take 5 minutes to fill it out (I'm currently sitting on 68 respondents, ideally, I want 100).




    Also, it would be great to get some discussion going on here.  Do you still read music magazines? Do you believe that someone who is employed as a music journalist has a more valid or qualified opinion than a music blogger who is simply a fan?  Will print music journalism exist in 20 years?



    And thanks in advance.

  4. this isn't quite as serious as previous posts but...

    people that insist on behaving like arseholes when they have a complaint...

    i went for dinner in ma cam's fairly recently and ordered a mushroom carbonara (which had the option of adding chicken for a quid) which i did...

    when it turned up, there was no chicken, so i went to complain...did i behave like an asshole? did i look like a dogs arse chewing a wasp?(well maybe i did, but purely in a different context!)

    i simply said "hey, sorry, i ordered this with chicken"

    i was met with an uncountable amount of apologies and recieved my tasty meal with a minute or two

    cue a woman at my work yesterday screaming about how she was overcharged (i wasn't involved in this btw, i just observed) "I ORDERED TWO DRINKS AND YOU'VE CHARGED ME FOR 3!"

    "no miss, you've been charged for two, see how the third one has been voided here?"


    "ok, fair enough miss, what was the drink you ordered?"

    "A BOTTLE OF TANGO!!!!!!!!"

    "oh, well, miss, maam, well, bottles of juice are charged as the same price as large draught drinks"


    i observed all this feeling slightly shocked, but not really, after spending over 8 years in various facets of the customer service industry....it makes me weep that such a large majority of people are either insane/arseholes/stupid...

    anyway, that's my bugbear...the human race...hahaha

    nah, people that refuse to make civilised complaints and take out their petty frustrations on some poor fucker just doing their job behind a counter...if you have a complaint and are pleasant and nice when you make it, the person dealing with it (who will 9/10 have nothing to do with it) will actually want to help you...unlike when some poor sod is just standing behind the till, waiting for their shift to end, starts getting abuse from some random cunt of a punter....

    phew, sorry, that was a rant and a half

  5. also, did anyone see the travesty that was itvs adaptation of quite ugly one morning?

    i could ignore the fact that james nesbitt's parlabane was irish as he was an otherwise good choice of actor but the rest of it stank! that dude fromt he bank adverts playing what was supposed to be a young ned (sorry, chav, he was english) and the unexplained dissapearance of plot, tension and, most importantly, humour from the novel...pah! fucking itv

  6. i love chris brookmyre, read quite ugly one morning, boiling a frog, it's not the end of the world and be my enemy

    ive been reading like a beyatch so far this year, all scottish fiction...adam bissett's the incredible adam spark (been meaning to read it for ages), dough johnstone's the ossians (dad got it for my xmas, cracking book, the lead singer in the band does a drug deal in the drummond's toilets :L) and almost finished iain banks' whit (it's one of his weird ones, but very good nonetheless)

    if anyone's talked about the aforementioned books before, i'm sorry, i couldn't really be arsed reading through 65 pages of thread!

  7. hullo,

    due to a recent change of job i couldn't get tickets for the hot chip gig at the forum...

    please, please, please tell me someone has some spare?

    i'm a bit miffed about this 'cause when hot chip played the tunnels about 2 years ago there was like 12 folk there :p

    seriously though, if anyone has spare tickets, give me a shout, thanks


  8. 1) kerouac does not suck, he is the shiz...as it were

    2) that'd be cormac mcarthy...of "no country for old men" fame

    3) i am busy reading this funny/tragic/romantic/sweet memoir by a rolling stone journalist called "love is a mix tape" and it's well worth a read, however i am also ploughing through charlie brooker's "dawn of the dumb"...i love charlie brooker, his hatred and loathing makes me laugh so hard my testicles hurt!

  9. That's a rather good playlist Time Machine: Mine for today are

    The Stranglers - Nice 'N' Sleazy

    Beach Boys - Feel Flows

    Jem - Just A Ride (MOR pop? Yes, but she sounds like a happier Beth Orton so, ho hum!)

    Sons and Daughters - Blood (New Version)

    Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights (EP Version)

  10. Sons and Daughters - The Repulsion Box

    The Arcade Fire - Funeral (UK release etc etc...)

    Art Brut - Bang, Bang Rock and Roll

    Honourable Mentions

    Maximo Park - A Certain Trigger

    The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan (only listened to in twice so far)

    Optimo - How To Kill The DJ Pt. 2

    LCD Soundsystem

    And I haven't go it yet but I'd imagine the new Malcolm Middleton will be in here later on

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