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Posts posted by faerielucas

  1. Originally posted by rhino:

    so what was it?

    or was it just your mate snorting coke and forgetting to tell you and legging it anyways?

    What kind of an asshole are you anyway? the snorting turned out to be a fucking deer... dick

  2. Originally posted by SweetLittleWitches:

    My best friend and I were sitting on my porch at 3 a.m smoking cigarettes when we heard a creature smack something against my shed really hard. So we decided to yell at it in the most manly voices we could put on (even though we're women), hoping it would run away. Well instead, it started running towards us...it sounded so huge cause of the thumps on the ground it was making. So we shined the flashlight at it, and shit our pants cause it was a fucking sasquatch. We ran into my house as fast as possible...locked the door and like, cried.

    "Sasquatch we know your legend's real" ...and we hate it

    ...true story

    Shes not lying! I was the friend who was there! it had to have been one of the scariest things ever.. besides that time that we were down the street smoking ciggarettes around 2 am in the middle of no where and we were standing near a bunch of trees that blocked off a field. out of now where.. we heard this wierd Snorting noise like 2ft away from us. We've never run so fast in our lives!

  3. I'm going to see this huge concert tomorrow night.. and there are 17+ bands there.... Here is the lineup...

    Violent Femmes, Presidents of the United States of America, Juliana Hatfield, The Rapture, The Von Bondies, The Stills, Stellastarr*, Elefant, Laguardia, Midtown, The Fire Theft, Just Jack, The Lot Six, Streetdogs, The Unseen, The Explosion, Runner and the ThermodynamicsPLUS more bands to be announced....

    from what I've been hearing.. the Pixies may show up for a surprize perfromance.

    anyone have any opinion on these bands?

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