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Posts posted by spock

  1. Gig opportunity??


    I'm from a band called Scuba-

    would you be interested in a doing a gig with us at the Malt Mill in Aberdeen on Halloween??


    Scott Scuba

    Scuba is a rockin band by the way. We're doing our own tunes and other catz tunes we dig at about a rate of 1:1.

  2. Top 6 for me:

    1. Billy Gibbons

    2. Ed Van Halen

    3. Jimmy Page

    4. Brian May

    5. Steve Vai

    6. Joe Satriani

    These guys all have a really distinctive sound- you know it's them within a few notes.

    I think Billy Gibbons just has the sweetest tone ever- and those harmonics....oh yeah.

    Other faves of mine-

    Blues- Peter Green

    Metal- Kirk Hammet

  3. Cheers for your approval. You probably noticed that the computer did drums on that one-it's a bit of a homemade computer demo that tune.

    HOWEVER! I have now uploaded a live demo of the whole band this time. (Drums an athin'!!)Playing a different tune this time and.....the tune is called 'Dogs Day'. If you got the time I'd appreciate any feedback. The tune was recorded at Captain Tom's as part of that two hour live recording deal.


  4. Oh I, I'm liking that.

    The singing sounds a lot different. And improved at that. And yep, itsa catchy riff alright. And it is unmistakenly you guys.

    The only minor gripe I'd have with it would be it's a tad repetative. Just a bit.

    I think I prefer this one to Battlecry.

    Geetar solos are excellent- wouldn't expect any less though!

    Good tune.

  5. I quite liked it. Kinda reminds me on something the mainc street preachers would do. And I agree it has got a sort of epic/ anthemic sort of feel t it. It probably goes to more extremes than the manics would- the quiet bit is a bit quieter and the loud heavy bit is probably more heavy than they'd do. Whether that's a good thing or not is open for debate. I'd agree that the guitar after the solo isn't that good. Not the playing, just the sound. The notes need a lot more sustain there.....maybe switch to the neck pick up for a fatter tone. What kind of guitar are you using?

    I also like the drumming on it. It as hard to say how good the bass was as I've got those tinny computer speakers. Vocals were good- prettty distinctive- and high! Some backing vocals would nake it sound even more anthemic- plus a bit more reverb.

  6. I really liked two worlds collide. A rock ballad- nice. You seemed to get a good sort of vibe going on that one. it's different from the other ones.

    Don't worry. unskinny bop will be back again. we just rested it while we tried our two new ones plus the led zep thing. We've another new one up our sleeve for our next gig.

    Trying to think of another cover for the next gig too - any suggestions?

  7. Cheers for that smitty, really enjoyed playing that zep thing. we've been working on it for a while. It was a bit different for us that night because we only went with the one cover- well, it was kinda four rolled into one. Plus we did two new songs.

    I really enjoyed the whole night. There's a good variety of stuff there. And everyone seemed to be trying something new or different. Plus, what's good about that night is that everyone seems to stay and watch the other bands and supports oneanother. That makes a huge difference!

    Fairly enjoyed that song 'two worlds collide'. Is that yours or a cover. It was really good anyway. And I like purple haze. Don't think you should stop playing the alcohol song though. That was the highlight of the whole evening!

    Also, was good to see a lot of new material from the deviadas. Liked a lot of the new stuff. Plus the I will survive was really good.

    I've only seen the void play one plugged gig. Will need to get to one of the forthcoming gigs to see how it sounds. Gingerbread man is legendary stuff indeed!Cheers for putting that on as an mp3!!The whooshy sounds were cool enough, maybe it will work better on a plugged set. It made all the more interesting anyway.

    Looking forward to the next one.

  8. Good recording. The band sounds good- timing sounds a wee bit off near the start of the quiet bit. After that it sounds tight enough.The singing is a bit whingey(?) but much better on the loud bit. Guitars sound a wee bit scratchy on the loud bit though. I'm hearing a few different influences in there but adds up to an original enough sound. Don't get me wrong- I like it, well played and a good recording. Lots of people downloading it so there must be a fair bit of interest in Soul Doubt out there. Well done.

  9. Watched pure lead a good few times now at the malt mill. Every time they've entertained me. The guys have plenty talent on guitar- I think it's great to here folk playing proper solos. And they can play em good. I like the dual lead guitar. Plenty original for my liking. enjoyed there cover of Night train they did the last time I saw them. They have a maiden sound- but I have a few maiden albums and can't say I can hear anything that's been ripped off. Personally I think they're a lot more original than a lot of bands out there- and they're a great bunch of guys too. Good luck to them.

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