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Posts posted by purplefrodo

  1. The biggest thrill i get is when i climb up onto the stage and entertain. If your looking for a proper frontman who can hold an audience and get them involved then look no further. I sang recently at my mates gig in Drummonds and everyone that saw it said that i had to get into a band, not wanting to blow my own trumpet but i am trying to sell myself here (as a side note i really wish i could blow my own trumpet, that would cut out all the hassle tryting to find a girl to do it for me)

    I'm 19 and living in Aberdeen. I am into pretty much any kind of music but mostly Punk and hardcore. Want to be involved in a band who are prepared to make music that is innovative and fresh. I can sing pretty much any style, up until recently i have been focusing on mostly hardcore but then i discovered that i can actually sing melodically as well.

    p.m me if you want me to try out for your band.



  2. New Aberdeen Punk outfit 25th is not an option play their second barcode gig on friday. Full line up is:




    These boys are fucking amazing considering the band only formed properly 3 months ago. If your in Perth, fuck T in the Park and its Indie Pish, go see 25th...Their fast, their melodic and their tech as fuck...trust me you will be impressed.

    *this gig announcement was brought to you by the letter 'F' and the number 25.

  3. I agree with the purpose of the Live 8 campaign as an awareness raising ploy. However, it seems to me, chastise me if i'm wrong, that Mr Brown has a a fairly sound economic plan ready to put forward to the worlds money men. However, i do also think that Geldof makes solving the issue seem a lot easier than it actually is. Once they cancel the interest on the debts are they also going to replace the corrupt leaders/governments, who took out the loans from the world bank in order to fuel their many wives exotic lifestyles leaving the rest of the country to rot in the first place, with men and women who have sound plans in order to stabalise the african economy?

    Also, the problem with any protest like this is that anarchists around the world flock to start trouble, which just ends up turning the world leaders against whatever Live8 is trying to achieve.


    Do you reckon elton was thinking about the starving africans when he was having diamonds embroidered into his 200 adidas trainers?

  4. american dude (never seen him before) pretending (i think/hope) to be mentally handicapped comes down to the ring and makes a speech about how amazing it is to be at wrestlemania, every so often stopping to bite his thumb. The two arabic guys come down to the ring and grab the mic off of him, telling him how irrate they are at the fact that because of prejudice they will never be 'big' in the wwe.One of the arabic guys then holds the supposedly mentally handicapped guy in a submission manouvre and symbolizes a beheading, by motioning his hand over the guys throat like a knife, whilst the other arabic guy chants at him in arabic. Then 'i am a real amercian' is played, the hulkster runs down to the ring and beats the shit out of the arabic guys, to the cheers of all the crowd, the hulkster then poses for about fifteen minutes and goes backstage...absolutely outrageous...but nothing that you wouldn't expect from the most single-minded prejudice country in the world.

  5. Favourite lyrics what i wrote

    I kinda like this one:

    Follow you own path,

    Dont stray in search of pots of gold

    If you have all the wealth,

    but not yourself,

    you really have nothing at all

    I like this more (but it makes me seem really anxty):

    Staring out across the grey bleak skyline,

    There must be more than this,

    Preparation for a menial existence,

    An office job, a suit, a family car,

    Forced into a cab,

    Taxi driver given directions to somebody elses dream.

    This one i like because theres a subtle repetition of theme:

    Originality brought up before the court,

    Evidence called is your attention to similarity,

    A thousand manikins march on our high streets,

    Parading to the beat of the corporate machine,

    Exploited workers fashion your new season design,

    Consumer exploited as a living advertisement,

    Dont be controlled by a label or a magazine,

    Stand out from the banality of normality,

    You want to know how i differ from the masses,

    I skip a beat to stay out of line.

    but for some reason this is my favourite:

    You conform you just dont know it,

    By standing out you merge in,

    If you rise up attempting to look down on the conventional,

    And your head pops out above the clouds,

    Youll see a million other non-conformers,

    Staring straight back at you.

  6. If people decide to do things, then their gonna do them no matter what. In that respect it would be better if cannabis was legal and safely available rather than its current status of illegal and grossly overpriced. Legalising cannabis would also get filthy resin off the street, as there would be no need for it anymore. It worked for the dutch, are we so much more clever than them?

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