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Lauren M

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Posts posted by Lauren M

  1. i reckon it was a pretty good gig in general.

    Ash were good, but i got a bit bored towards the end.

    NERD were great after ash cos it was a bit more varied.

    And the chilis were amazing. But that went without saying.

    Can no one hear accept that people can like other kinds of music and we don't all have to listen to one type of music for it to be good?

  2. :o you have a sax quartet


    Brian better not be in it or you will have a lot to explain young lady.

    Still Honk's a cool name, shame I'll be away in Dublin. Shall send the family along anyway.

    I saw Mr Kemp today. Guess what. Last year he went to RHCP in Glasgow. Yea fair enough, Mr Kemp's a cool guy. But BECAUSE he is Mr Kemp, he also met them, had a backstage pass and got drunk on champagne with them. His nephew is their roadie.

    Now does any of that sound surprising when you know its Bill Kemp?

  3. Originally posted by Ibid:

    It's obvious that insular scensters have no idea just how big the music industry is. All you get is "there is no other music except that which I like, so there."

    Arrogantly dismissing all other genres except the emo/punk/metal/deathwanking/peripheral/inaccesible/coolandvalid that you happen to have dug up on a white label in a junk shop is narrow minded and insulting to the many, many hard working musicians in the wide, wonderful spectrum of genres from jazz and classical to folk and hip hop. There are all valid froms of expression and they all have their devotees. You don't have to listen to them or even like them, but you have to respect them and their contribution whatever it is. Why? Because you're not qualified to dismiss them as shite.

    Of course some of it is manufactured. Of course some of it is trite and obvious. Music is a business and to survive they have to make money and so they will. And if a band or some youngsters want to make money and be famous for a while-so what? Does it hurt you or stop your band paying to play or playing for peanuts in your underground/alternative paradise? Of course it doesn't.

    This is what I would have liked to have said. But couldn't articulate it.

    Rico, why can't people who like pop music like punk/metal/rock etc.

    I do.

    I do see your point, people who don't bother listening to a genre before mouthing of about it have no reason to. But there will always be people like that and I'm sure the majority of people on this board have done it before.

    People do appreciate musicians with real talent, but who is to say what realy talent is anyway?

  4. Originally posted by kirkt:

    what i mean by good pop music ... Take That...


    Charlie from busted plays drums on the cds and stuff i think.

    Whats wrong with liking a bit of pop music? I have to agree with kirkt on this. People on here are way to protective over their favourite genre of music. Ok so they arent hard core or "true punk" or whatever, but they dont say they are, so whats the problem?

    And the moral of the story is: enjoy a bit of everything.

    (but take that the most)

  5. Sorry Nicola, but I think i'll pass on that one.

    I don't like Britney. Just that one tune is a bit catchy...

    Anyway, I'm still trying to recover from the fact that I told Rach I *may* like Busted. I can't do Britney too, it'll never happen.

    She has cancelled. You don't beleive me now, but when you get driven down to Glasgow and find an empty SECC you'll be sorry.

    Don't come running back to me when Britney isn't there to see your t-shirt!

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