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Posts posted by xlordnyconx

  1. Ok well my band played with these guys last night @ Dr. Drakes and well they are really cool guys but that's not what this is about it's about how they are such a good band I mean I aint into that kind of music really but their songs just reminded me of...

    SOAD, Disturbed, Machine Head & even Coal Chamber

    you know all those bands who don't write songs they write anthems I mean 2 or three of Reaps songs last night were just catchy as fuck and I loved it and I just wanna say that this is a locl band well worth checking out !

    & thanx for being cool guys even though we were totally diff styles and all.

    good luck for the future guys.


  2. hey there my name is Mike and well I sing ( ? ) for the band tpr [ The Perfect Reason ] and well we're looking for a gig about Aprilish and well I wondered if there was any promoters here who could help us out ? we were supposed to play w/ Through Silence & Days In December in January but it got cancelles as you well know and we're pretty eager to get our music heard in Aberdeen so if you can help check us out @



    of if you know of any promoters please let us know about them thanx.

    E-Mail us @ tprmusic@hotmail.com


    x x x

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