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Posts posted by pixie

  1. Anyone else going down to see Slipknot on dec 8th? Heard the support is Machine Head and Children of Bodom for anyone who wants to know.

    I bought a ticket for my man but unfortunately i can't go ;(

    So was wondering if there was any buses going down from Aberdeen or such? The ticket is for his birthday so I can't ask him about friends going but from what he has mentioned he doesn't know anyone else going.

  2. another point i have to make is about the police being involved.

    If the police had been notified then drunken monkey would have been asked for a statement regardless of what the CCTV showed as it is a major offence for a bouncer to abuse his position as such. Even if the CCTV showed nothing and the police had viewed it then drunken monkey would have been notified and possibly done for wasting police time so either way drunken monkey would know about it if the police had become involved.

    I also have spent noteably my latter childhood in moshulu ( cos ive only been in once or twice since i actually turned of age) and found the doorstaff to be friendly however some can be quite sleazy especially if u show any more flesh than your ankles! This is the same howver at most of the doors in aberdeen so im not singling them out specifically im just saying that they dont smell of roses as much as some of you say. Yes moshulu is a cool place and should be defended cos there isnt many other places with good cheap drink, good music and mainly good people but every good bunch has a bad egg and thats the point im trying to make.

    Thasts why the system is f*cked. Because people dont like hearing the truth and would rather defend the ways things seem rather than accept the truth and accept that nice people doesnt always mean innocent people. Justice is warped by peoples opinions and not on what actually happens. F*ck the system!

  3. i think YOU missed something

    6. All this abuse backwards and forwards from one doorman company to the other is just stooping to exactly the same level as the people you throw out, fighting and threats and abuse!

    and about the guy going on to cause trouble elsewhere... that is exactly why the doormen of henry j's and moshulu and every other door have radios linked to CCTV, to radio it in so CCTV can keep and eye on them and warn other doorstaff about them as i explained previously

    '2. once they are out of the club the bouncer may inform CCTV through the radios to keep and eye on them and to give a desciption of the culprit to the other bouncers for the WHOLE CITY as they are all linked up to the same frequency

    3. as soon as the cluprit has left the property involved it is up to CCTV and the police if need be to take care of them'

    so why didnt the henry J bouncers do that? it is what they are told to do in training and by emplyers isnt it?

  4. what a head fry!

    ok so bouncers sometime may have to be a little heavy handed to get the drunks out but NOTHING gives them the right to take them up a back alley and give them a beating...

    1. Their job is to ensure the safety of the staff and punters IN THE CLUB,

    2. once they are out of the club the bouncer may inform CCTV through the radios to keep and eye on them and to give a desciption of the culprit to the other bouncers for the WHOLE CITY as they are all linked up to the same frequency

    3. as soon as the cluprit has left the property involved it is up to CCTV and the police if need be to take care of them

    4. The guy involved, plus many other of the assholes who get chucked out of clubs are too smashed out of their faces to defend themselves,

    5. Bouncers are there to ensure safety in clubs and pubs and to stop trouble, not make it.

    6. All this abuse backwards and forwards from one doorman company to the other is just stooping to exactly the same level as the people you throw out, fighting and threats and abuse!

    7. Bouncers, regardless of which company you work for or which door you work on should be working together to protect the innocent and get rid of the scum (usually if not always NEDS!)

    So mushulu/henry J bouncers let it drop, theres nothing left to argue about, drunken monkey saw something he thought wrong and did the right thing, if you see a fight, you break it up dont you? If its a bad fight the police and CCTV are involved and thats just what drunken monkey did

    And i dont care about that unwritten rule crap that you dont grass on each other maybe some of the bouncers in aberdeen dont have morales but one of them does and it took alot for him to do what he thought was right.

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