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Andrew Corse

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Posts posted by Andrew Corse

  1. Im looking for a side project to fill time so if anyones looking for someone to fill a gap, let me know. I'd prefer to work with established musicians/bands and I'm not really interested in covers bands. My "listening to" section will give you an idea of the kind of stuff Im into but Im not overly fussy about musical styles just quality. I can play drums and bass as well but I dont have the equipment. PM me if your interested,


  2. Originally posted by soundian:

    Why are Flight 19 in the posthumous section?

    That thought had crossed my mind - is it not a category for bands who have split? Flight 19 havent split up; Scott is London for the biggest part of the year but we're still together and playing (on January 29th at Drakes for those who are interested! cough plug splutter plug!)


  3. Originally posted by Dan Atom:

    Yeah Rob, because being 6 foot 2 with muscles is far worse than being too short and slim to get a suit that even fits you... ;)

    Dont get me started!! I had an interesting conversation with a certain drummer about how he had the idea of eating tampons to build-up a bit after seeing them expand in a glass of water in first year sex education at school - never know, might be worth a shot...

    I'm just nipping out to Boots... Ill be the short fat guy at the fudge awards!


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