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Posts posted by anastasia

  1. Originally posted by Flik

    It'll save me time if you read the Changes thread. :)

    but i did and it just confused me!

    but i managed to guess the name of the thread b4 i found it.... i think it was the vodka that confused me

    ill try again

    hehe btw it's always quicker and easier to let info come to u than to go find it. plus if anyone had gave me exact info then i would know everything all in one go!!!!

    hehe im lazy

  2. i havent been in ages but i generally get id'd almost every time i go . (only times i didnt was when the doorman was someone ive worked with in the past!!)

    in fact i actually start getting my id out as we walk to the door. it seems ridiculous especially when u get comments that prove they know who you are. hey ive been id'd by name before... i think they may have had something against me ... or just like laughing at my photo.

    i dont think anyone should have a problem with being made to show identification, all you are doing is proving a fact, if you're under age you shouldn't be there and the club is responsible so it has the right and obligation to tell you to get to fuck. ( not saying i didnt go out when i was underage but im old now ... its different!)

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