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chris h

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Posts posted by chris h

  1. In a class I was teaching on Tuesday there was a reading exercise in the text book about april fools day and the Panorama spaghetti harvest story (Nicely timed exercise for the start of May of course).

    I was asking them if these kinds of jokes happen much in Spain and if they'd seen anything on that was fake like the Spaghetti story. One of the girls (about14) said "yes, last week. Osama Bin Laden".

    Thought I'd share that. But now I've typed it out it doesn't really seem so amusing. I'll post it anyway.

    Face-2-face upper intermediate by any chance? God, I hate that book.

  2. Hmmmm... solos. Dont really like the standard metal shredding solos, prefer something more melodic myself.

    Kyuss - "Writhe" is probably my favourite, just brilliantly undertstated.

    Some good Dinosuar Jr ones, including "Out There" (actually the intro)

    And Neil Youngs choppy solos are always good, I really like "Southern Man" and "Down By the River".

    Oh, and I love the bit in the Skynrd "Free Bird" solo when after a mighty spurt of wankery it kicks back into a kind of boogy rhythm. I just imagine the grins on those guys faces when they were recording that :)

  3. Travis had their moments, good and bad. I thought Sing was a good tune, really cool banjo twanging in that one. On the other hand, that one about "flowers in the window, such a lovely day..." was an abomination.

    I think a lot of the bands mentioned on here are so obviously rubbish that it almost doesnt need saying (stuff like Simply Red for example).

    Keane, however, seem to be on a mission to destroy my soul and have managed to become very popular here in Argentina, which is disappointing. I reckon the fat posh boys face is way more punchable than Fran Healys.

  4. I agree that U2, Pink Floyd, The Verve etc. are all terrible bands, but I think each of them has one tune at least you can listen to and think "OK, these guys had their moment(s)".

    And stuff like Savage Garden and Darius, well, of course its pish.

    For me, the most hideously awful band doing the rounds these days must be Keane, as they sort of pretend to be a real band and do proper gigs and even seem to have convinced one or two music fans that they are acceptable.

    I hate them. Like mosquitoes with AIDS.

  5. Aaargh! I dont know what to think about this at all. Some cool melodies, but its a bit chunky in places, the production is very modern and shiny (not a good thing) and it kind of goes on a bit doesnt it? The really weird thing about it, though, is that he new singer sounds like hes trying to "do Layne", especially on the harmonies. Its maybe just the natural way to sing them, but its a bit creepy.

    OK, Ive only listened once, and that is quite a mighty chorus...

  6. It was always sadly inevitable that Rivers would disappear up his own arse, and last time I saw Weezer, in Edinburgh a few years ago, they were definitely heading that way. Too much bullshit rock posturing and pointless instrument swapping. Shame, as the man is undeniably a pop genius when he puts his mind to it.

    Still, I wouldnt rule out another classic Weezer record one day.

  7. Im just looking at the qualifying tables... are Scotland not out already?

    Its only the EIGHT best runners up that go to play offs, and we are in the weakest position with the worst goal difference by far. I think we would have to beat Holland about 7-0 to make it through. Am I missing something?

  8. I actually can't believe no-one has pointed out that, just like domestic violence, slap bass is completely unacceptable either in public or behind closed doors.

    When I saw the title of this thread the first thing I thought was "I wonder how long before Jon appears raving about domestic violence". Quite right though. Slap bass is foolish.

  9. My first memory of Van Der Ark was a game against Hearts at Pittodrie, he played like a total buffoon and scored a calamitous OG in, I think. a 3-0 defeat. Shortly after that I was at the Skol Cup final against the Huns, and when they brought him on I remember groaning (along with most of the other Dons fans) and fearing the worst. He turned in an awesome performance in the end and I saw Aberdeen lift a trophy for the first time. Turned into a bit of a legend after that, good guy too apparently.

    But for sheer class, I still say Gilhaus. What a debut that was at Dunfermline. We paid something like 750 grand for him I think. Imagine.

    On another note, what was the story with Belabed? Something about assaulting a journalist I seem to remember...

  10. I've avoided a few games at Pittodrie this season but decided to go to Tannadice on the premise we're better away from home. .

    Seriously, have you ever been to Tannadice before? We always get cuffed down there. Its rubbish. I once went there with my future father in law and, swallowing my pride, sat in the home end, only to be treated to a tremendous vocal recital and 6-1 pumping by the visiting Huns.

    Probably the worst home support Ive ever seen. Apart from the time I visited Dens...

  11. I must say I fairly enjoyed the match, but perhaps this was more down to the location (a rammed bar in Seville) than the actual football. But then excitement and atmosphere is a big part of football for me. I think they (notice use of the third person plural) played some nice stuff though, and the defence looked more solid than it has.

    Germany really need to work on their set pieces though. Their delivery was abysmal.

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