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Posts posted by garygilmore

  1. Did anyone notice that the lead singer of Pink Grease, who played the Mute night at the Lemon Tree, seemed to have lifted chunks of his between song rapid fire rock & roll "banter" straight from the Dave Dixon catalogue!!

    Is it true that The Needles are signed to a Mute Records offshoot?

  2. The Mute thing at the Lemon tree was really good..even if the timings went a bit off and some performers were missing (Modey Lemon etc).

    I agree with the comment about the ticket pricing.

    I also think that whoever is dealing with the Aberdeen end should try and get ALL the performers to come to Aberdeen. There were events held only in Glasgow (Pastels, Camera Obscura) and this meant that some people (me!) who might have stayed in Aberdeen travelled to Glasgow.

    When Triptych first started the "moveable feast" over the 3 locations was one of it's selling points. If it becomes just a mish mash of things over a long weekend it loses that.

    I also thought the promo booklet was less than clear....and the prices were too expensive..especially when you add on the unfair booking tax......although credit to the Lemon tree who published how much it would cost you rather than the "Ex Booking Fee" rubbish.

  3. The Needles have been playing a lot of gigs recently...I thought they had an EP released last month?

    The Needles, like Joesphine, are being picked up through the "Glasgow" thing....

    Hope they end up like F Ferdinand who became an "over night success" after about 10 years in various different bands!

  4. 3 mail areas:-

    Licensing: you need a different licence for each temporary location. information on this from Legal and Democratic Services at the Council. you need to be a fit and proper person etc etc.

    Environmental Health: They enforce the food Safety and Health & Safety legislation. They will inspect the mobile set up and can give advice beforehand..as well as take enforcement action while your working...

    Trading Standards: Enforce the weights and measures laws and consumer protection laws...prices etc

    Environment Services: You need to make arrangements for removing rubbish and waste in advance of setting up.

    You can get a good idea of all the folk involved if you go to the International Market in Aberdeen next weekend!!

  5. The handwritten "No Stag Parties" notice sellotaped to the front door is kinda scummy...you should either just take it down and let the pub atmosphere deal with it or at least get a decent sign put up..after all the money spent doing the place up there's no need to look like some sleazy dive trying to to appear better than the other bars around.


  6. How dull is this: "Which " magazine recommend the Pro-ject Debut II (around 135) as a "Best Buy" in their February magazine..but you can get a cheap deck for 50. Look out for second hand ones because if they are looked after a deck will last for years...it's how you look after the vinyl that counts.

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