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Mr. Tristen

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Posts posted by Mr. Tristen

  1. Please expand Mr Tristen

    I'm not gonna go into wether they have a right to be there or not, the topic is wether we should pull out. What do you think will happen if the troops pull out? Really? All the Iraqis will throw a big street party, elect a president and live happily ever after in a utopian paradise?

    The troops stationed there may be an 'evil', but in this case they are the lesser of two evils. There is no solution for Iraq at the moment. Maybe thats Americas fault, maybe its Saddams or more likely its a combination of millions of factors over hundreds of years, whatever the reasoning at this stage we'd be doing no favours by leaving. You have to remember there are dozens of well armed factions all trying to gain power. The fall of Saddam's regime left many small armys in the hands of various generals, many of whom seem to have ambitions of power themselves. It is my feeling that if we left, within a week the gouverment would be assassinated/executed/exiled/etc, a civil war would begin, and in the long run the people of Iraq would find themselves in a far worse state. Say what you like for the American troops being there, they are a stop gap preventing the place from falling apart at the seams.

    I too want to see America live up to its late promise and leave Iraq alone after overthrowing the Saddam regime, but at this stage it would only further compound the wests crimes to take the dog away and leave the chicken coup open to foxes. I too, as a pro-war originally am very disapointed that we have not lived up to our goals in Iraq, and my confidence in the powers that be has taken a dent, but I will not support compounding one mistake with another.

    Anyway, personaly opinion, and that of a few people I know that have actually seen things for themselves out there, but as usual I'm sure this topic will be a touchy one with many different sides.

    Atleast we can agree that we just want to see the Iraqi people stop suffering.

  2. Hey' date='

    Can anyone help me or show me where i can get help for designing message boards and/or Guestbooks? Im using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX2004 Anyone that could help it would be handy as it is part of my NVQ course work.[/quote']

    If you need to use a message board there are plenty available out there, but as for designing one its a HUGE project. Aberdeen music uses software developed originally by one very talented professional and these days a whole TEAM of them. I've been working on my own forum software for over 6 months now, and its still so so primitive by comparison.

    Guestbooks are a great start to learning php, as a simple guestbook is just a user inputs --> database ---> public display. I think I have a copy of a very simple one I made for one winged angel last year, will try and send it later. Best way in my opinion to learn code is to disect someone elses work piece by piece. By disecting modules made for phpNuke and then later the main software itself I got a very good selection of useful tricks.

  3. Damm that was a while ago, though I think I remember. Hell I didn't even realise I met LynDsey that night, thought the first time was in Glasgow a few months later.

    That was a damm good party actually, especially Andrew blowing himself up and the epic walk home the next day a few of us did. Wonder if theres more planned this year, didn't bother last year.

  4. Been mugged three times, but never lost anything.

    First was broad daylight at the quiet end of union street when I was much younger. Basically laughed in the guys face walked away and in the few seconds it took him to decide to give chase we'd jumped in the middle of a crowd of people and asked for their help. The guy ran off and we could see hi9m andf his friends following at a distance, but nothing more was done.

    Police Response: Very impressive, though they never caught him.

    Second was when I was about 18, as he was armed I decided to hand over the whole 2 pound something I had in my wallet but he wasn't happy with that and ordered me to a cash machine to empty my account. Somehow I persuaded him I could only use my card in the bank itself which the idiot agreed to, but I simply walked up to the teller and told him what was happening and they hit the alarm. Sadly the guy got away.

    Police Response: Utter shite - infact they accused me of being a drug dealer for some reason.

    Third time was in Glasgow where 3 of us were surrounded by 6 guys all armed with knives. Luckily one of my friends was fuckin nails, and the other two of us can look after ourselves well enough. The aformentioned friend had 2 disarmed and broke the arm of a third one before they could even blink, then turned on the fourth while the other 2 of us dealt with the remaining 2. Most of them legged it but the one I floored and the one with the broken arm we pinned down and waited for the police to arrive. The two actually tried to press assault charges against us.

    Police Response: Good in as far as they were prompt and they basically refused to let the guys press their assault charge, but also not too impressive as the two guys or their friends were never punished for it in the end.

  5. TV Tanned - We've had a long running verbal sparring session now, so I'm curious as to the real personality with the internet removed...

    Neil - Our all seeing all knowing webmaster. It'd be like looking into the face of God :p

    Rainbowprincess - Always seems to come up in conversations with other AM people so I'm somewhat curious now...

    • Detained in singapore airport as I forgot I had a penknife in the thumb pocket of my jeans - questioned but allowed on my way
    • Cautioned in South Wales for selling booze to minors
    • Arrested but not charged in Glasgow for restraining an out of control policeman

    So no actual record luckily. On top of this fair few dealing with the police which have ended quite amiably (eg sleeping in union terrace gardens drunk, noise complaints from partys etc etc). Oh, and someone who tried to mug me tried to press charges for assault, but didn't have a leg to stand on really, was never in any danger of being charged for it.

  6. Unfortunately because I keep moving around so often I never quite seem to end up on the voting registers, so no vote for me. In all honesty NO party that I've heard of atleast come close to matching what I want for the country, so it would be a case of voting for the lesser or all evils and leaving it in the hands of Labour.

  7. I know Hog' date=' fucks sake, anyone would think the AIDS crisis in Africa was fucking important or something... o_O[/quote']

    Oh, its an important issue don't get me wrong, it just gets frustarting reading the same snipes over and over again. When the old pope died instead of showing a little human decency (as you yourself did if I remember rightly), Hog proceded to try and blame all of Africas problems on one man - I don't see how anyone can blame the church for AIDS. I mean for fucks sake. Its a DISEASE... in a lot of ways its nobodys fault, but if you are going to lay the blame (which in this case I don't myself) then as nasty as it sounds it comes down to those that know they are a risk yet continue to have sex. The main problem with Africa is simply the lack of education about the problem, something which correct me if I'm wrong the catholic church trys to help wherever it can - even though they discourage the use of condoms. And hey you know what? Its part of their belief that condoms are wrong, and in a lot of ways I almost agree with them. But anyway regardless of wether people agree with them or not it is THEIR beliefs and they have every right to them and to express them. Now Mr. Tanned, I'm well aware that you think of me as a bit of a nazi - now if even I agree its their right to have their beliefs, surely you can understand that too?

    Just because a man has a different belief to you shouldnt overshadow his achievements in life, and certainly should not make his death a chance for a few good snipes. Its pretty sickening to be honest. But anyway when all that past and the argument should be over, a new pope is elected and wow, suddenly Hog decides this new man (who he knows jack shit about I'm willing to bet) is plotting to kill all africans, I mean atleast give the man a chance. Plus all that aside you are forgetting that the pope merely represents the church, not dictates over it, its hardly fair to blame him for everything. But hey, people always have to vilanise someone dont they? Oooho big bad George Bush - well hey, you know what? Yeah America are being fuckups, but George has bugger all power really, hes not the man to blame, its the entire gouverment - hes only as face to an ideal bascially. Infact throughout history theres always been one man vilanised to represent a concept. Hitler was the face of nazism, people like Stalin the face of communism etc etc.

    Anyway, I stray from the point. Let sleeping dogs lie with the old pope, and give the new one a bloody chance before passing judgement. Normally I'm the 'nazi' here, so if I'm arguing for freedom of beliefs something has to be wrong!

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