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will this "Go viral"

maud 'dib

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Also....fucking DEATH to anyone who uses the term "GO VIRAL".....


People will look back at the 21st century and wonder where we lost it...

That's why I put it in quote marks, it's not really the kind of thing I say in real life. Fight the good fight though min.

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That's a bit offensive min, especially as it's directed at me personally. But, I'll suck it up- I appreciate this site is all about verbal rough and tumble.

Check out my

Yup, I know that. Way to go on really getting to grips with the issue though. You Scotch guys are so fucking sensitive...

fantastic ability to

That's why I put it in quote marks, it's not really the kind of thing I say in real life. Fight the good fight though min.


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Guest Gladstone
11.5 million people have seen her do it and she's not guilty apparently - on her planet anyway.


That is remarkable.

"Here is a video showing you committing a crime"

"Oh dear, that is very upsetting. Sob, sob."

"How do you plead to that crime we've all just seen you committing on video?"

"Not guilty"

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"Emma West, 34, broke down as video of the alleged incident was played to Croydon magistrates court"

"A woman broke down in the dock as a video allegedly showing her racially abusing fellow passengers on a busy tram was played out to a courtroom."

Alleged?? It's a pretty fucking definite incident considering she watched the fucking thing on video?! I understand the need to qualify things like "John Smith (aka John W) allegedly creeps into people's bedrooms to watch them sleep" just in case they aren't true... but surely it's not necessary to qualify describing what you've JUST WATCHED HAPPEN!?


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Guest Gladstone

Jan's right - you have to be treated as innocent until proven guilty, even in what looks like a clear cut case like this.

You never know, the woman in that video clip may have been subjected to 10 minutes of racial abuse from all the non-whites on that bus just before that video started filming, or they might have been racially abusing her child or anything. I'm pretty sure that's not the case, but you have to let all the evidence be shown in court etc. before letting the jury make a judgement on a person's guilt.

I know I said above that it was remarkable that she pled not guilty, but that was me making all sorts of assumptions about the rest of the case / evidence (or lack of evidence) to facilitate my (shit) attempt at humour...

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I'd have a modicum of respect for someone who stands up as soon as they are asked and says "yep, I did it". Unfortunately people only seem to be the "big man" when they're dishing it out and we waste millions having to prove that people committed crimes because of the innate spinelessness of the criminal population. Hiding behind a defence lawyer arguing that red is blue until a jury decide that red is red is the height of delusional behaviour, morally bankrupt and selfish.

Hey crims, want to help drive down the deficit? If you did it, plead guilty at the first opportunity.

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She did not actually plead not guilty. It was an administrative error and later changed to no plea being indicated. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070647/Racist-woman-tram-spend-Christmas-bars-protection.html

Surely she has a right to plead not guilty if the charge is not correct in her opinion? What exactly was the charge, is it the offence she is not admitting at all, or just a dispute of the actual charge? Or has the solicitor told her not to make a plea so it goes to the date of the trial and he can claim all his legal fees?

We've no idea what went on before and why someone was at the ready to record her as if waiting on something happening.

The woman is clearly not all there or off her face on drink and drugs. Taken from the same news article as above http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070562/Muslim-girl-gang-kicked-Rhea-Page-head-yelling-kill-white-slag-FREED.html

The woman is obviously an idiot, but lets be honest, this stuff goes on every weekend night when a drunken argument breaks out. You don't see them get hauled up to court and painted as the world's worst person.

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