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Smokin' Catfish


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So I like to do quite a bit of charity work, you know, arranging gigs for good causes. I have done this for 4 years now and never in my time have I ever dealt with a band like this.

I was quite excited about the prospect of combining local alternative rock bands with a bluegrass band like Smokin' Catfish. However at the last minute they have pulled out in order to play a paid gig!

So that was a waste of money on posters!

If your putting on a gig, I would recommend avoiding this band.

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Sometimes bands have to pull out of gigs. I work with professional musicians everyday and never ever would I or any other professional slag off a band for having to cancel a gig when they have given adequate notice. I know a few of the guys in Smokin' Catfish and I have first hand experience working with them. They are a brilliant band and I would agree they have a very professional outlook. I think it's very petty of you to come onto a music forum and make such shitty comments.

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It was a waste of your money certainly but is the charity out of pocket? Bands pull out of gigs all the times and it's what you have to deal with as a promoter. It's not fair to slam a band online, (especially one which generally keeps out of aberdeen-music and all associated in fighting) for looking out for their own. Not everyone can afford to do nice things for charity, by getting on your soapbox and shouting about it you've acted unprofessionally and almost guarenteed that they won't want to work with you in the future.

I know it was probably really frustrating but knowing a few members of the band I'm sure they were apologetic and sincere. Professionalism goes two ways and there are a lot of musicians and bands on these boards who wouldn't thank their promoters for bitching online about them, don't shoot yourself in the foot.

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Aye, the whole point is that it's for charity though...

New posters = less money for the charity. Pretty dickish thing to do.

To be honest I've been to heaps of gigs where you online find out an act has cancelled either by looking online or when you get to the venue. If you're putting up your own cash for things like this, have a contingency fund. Simple. A spare 50 or whatever and you can cover yourself.

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I have to concur with "chick" Smokin Catfish are an extremely professional and hard working band. I know a couple of the guys and I'm sure it was not a decision they took lightly. To recommend staying away from this band and posting it on here just seems very childish. It's the Music Business, Shit Happens, dry your eyes and deal with it!

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If your putting on a gig, I would recommend avoiding this band.

You asked a large group of musicians (theirs at least 7 of them) some of whom music is their only income to give of their time for free, which they were willing to do, till circumstances made it impossible and so they cancelled on you with !2 whole weeks! to spare, within 48 hrs of giving you the ok. . . correct me if im wrong.

Total pain in the arse I'm sure, but not such a big deal. The posters are still probably 75 per cent accurate.

Not a good enough reason to recommend avoiding booking the band to all and sundry on this forum.

Professional musicians are generally very poor, if you were one or ever had been one you would know.

So on the one hand you are organising a charity gig, and on the other you want to make some of the lowest paid people in the city EVEN POORER!

Take it on the chin and put some sticky labels on the posters with the name of the replacements like everyone else would have done

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