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Stiff Little Fingers at The Lemon Tree


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Tuesday 16 March, doors 7.30pm


The Lemon Tree

Just giving you all the heads up on this one. The Belfast punk legends return to the venue for the first time since 2007 for what will no doubt be another great pre-St.Paddy's show! If you've never seen them before I'd highly recommend it.

Tickets go on sale Monday 25 January, available from Aberdeen Box Office, 01224 641122.

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Guest Gladstone

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Shaki - I'm sorting out local support slots for Lemon Tree.

Basically what will happen is any of the touring bands that need a support band sourced locally, the Lemon Tree will ask me to find one for them.

As has been mentioned many a time on here before I'm sure - an awful lot of touring bands bring support with them and there isn't often space for locals but I'm going to try and get as many local slots as I can as a really good support slot cam really help a local band to gain some local fans!

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How about getting a proper pre-gig venue sorted for this gig? Since it may well be a regular slot again I reckon Aberdeen can have its own `Solid Rock` since a few folk are in town earlyish?

Need a bar wi' a jukebox with suitable contents of course... so... The Moorings anyone?


Spread the word and a' that.

Whos in?

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  • 3 weeks later...
So... Moorings anyone?





Probably not. My girlfriend is coming therefore the time between getting home from work and doors opening at the LT will be consumed by costume changes (hers, not minealthough come to think of it I havent decided what Im going to wear yet)

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Probably not. My girlfriend is coming therefore the time between getting home from work and doors opening at the LT will be consumed by costume changes (hers, not minealthough come to think of it I havent decided what Im going to wear yet)

You should wear this.


I'll buy you a pint if you do.

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