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Min diesel , iname , y-change costume . Thurs 28th jan @ drummonds

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Yeah, that was a good gig!! Caught the last song from Y Change, sounded beefy! Iname put on a good show and were pretty tight, all round I thought they sounded good. Min Diesel were pretty ace, Ross's guitar parts were especially cool, reminded me a tad of early Stapleton. Which is never a bad thing!! Can't wait to see how they develop.

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Which Min are you?

I enjoyed the gig, well played.

He's the GING MIN.

Y Change were thoughroughly decent, all though the distortion and crazy loud kick did makle me wish I had remembered earplugs. FFAF esque tappy song was great.

Iname were tight as usual and had a good sound - Line 6 amps and all. Decent boys.

MinDiesel - 4 gigs old and a marked improvement from the last time I saw them. Newer songs definitely trumping the old ones in my opinion. The first tune was great as was the second to last/ last. I definitely agree with Steve's Stapleton comparison re Zippy's guitar parts. Only thing I thought was missing was just a couple more simple, solid melodies in the vocals. QZ has got miles better on drums - more confident and harder hitting and the band is tighter as a result.

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