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Breachlan 13 - Aberdeen Based LAN Party


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Good Day.

I am writing to tell you about Breachlan, a privately run LAN party event held a few times a year in the Bridge of Don Scout hut in Aberdeen.

Our next LAN party is set for the 12th - 14th February.

We currently have plans for plenty L4D2 and CSS games. But we have servers for just about every FPS installed on our pair of dedicated, gigabit gameservers.

Breachlan is 30 plus a 1.50 charge if you pay via paypal.

Visit our website at BreachLAN Site for more information or to signup. You need to create a forum account before attempting to pay for the lan.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me in PM here, on Breachlan forums or via email at gemini at breachlan.co.uk

Thank you for reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again.

With four weeks to go, we have confirmed that Left4Dead2, CounterStrike Source and Unreal Tournament 2004 will be our Big Games and Tournaments. Last time we had a great laugh with L4D2 and Instagib UT2k4.

It'l be the first time we have run CounterStrike Source as a Big Game. But the polls dont lie. We have the big dedicated server software installed on our servers and want to get the first Big Games of CSS going at Breach.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me here, or on Breachlan forums with any questions that you have.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Final Bump. The LAN is in two weeks.

With tournamens confirmed as Unreal Tournament 2004, Left4Dead2 and Trackmania Nations we are gearing up nicely. With out L4D2 tournie planned to start after midnight the atmosphere should be amazing.

We have some brand new network hardware ready for this lan and plans for brilliant Fri and Sat night parties. Muchos beer will be consumed.

Hope you are convinced - As before, any questions, PM me here or on Breach forums.


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