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a car park for women


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It's not their fault they can't park, they're always being told that this


is ten inches...

How did no one pick up on this truely excellent comment?

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women can drive, they just choose to do it poorly.

until i stop being angry at drivers and 90% of the time it is a women, i shall continue to hold this belief. Not being sexist that is just the facts of what i notice on the road.

Besides, all 'myths' have evolved from some form of similar fact so it must be true!

*braces self for barrage of angry comments and negative rep......*

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An 18 year old female friend friend of mine has already written off 2 of her own cars and her sisters...

My mum gets more stressed than anyone I've ever seen while driving. To the point where I bought her a sigur rs album in the hope it would calm her down...

My other friend was going at 70 on the edinburgh bypass round a corner and let go of the wheel to clap to part of a song then yanked the wheel back just in time to stop us hitting a wall.

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