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A Shambles: lofi celebration!


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Glad to see Soundclick getting a push forward on here too. It's great for people who can't download stuff etc and just need streamed files.

I like the guitar at the beginning, I think it's fairly remeniscent of a Lost Prophets track. The singing could be concentrated on more and could benefit from harmonies, but it's tuneful enough and holds the purpose of the track. A great opening to the song. The riff is fairly memorable, but that's the effectiveness of repetition for you.

After the first 2 minutes you're left waiting for something big to kick in, and with each passing minute you get more and more disappointed as it doesn't arrive. But the strumming arrives and new direction is taken and it turns from being an intro to a emo/newrock song, into being a great little acoutic indie piece. I like the 7th chords; very effective, but as they progress you could build it all up slightly so as to create a bigger finale. Either that, or you could find something to sing above it, whether it be completely improvised or something a little more conservative but just as effective (for instance a torrent of planned words in a hurried flow).

Something to break the long ending up.

Overall though a great little piece that could just do with a few tweaks here and there to keep the listener slightly more interested. Would like to hear this played live acoustic. Let me know if you play any gigs soon and I'll try and make them! I'm a fan!

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Hi Mussed,

Thanks - that's exactly what I was looking for. Like I said, the track is as close to live as possible, but it does needs something more for the proper recording. I like your idea for the outro and have been messing with keyboard lines to build up the track - I can also imagine what you mean with the stream-of-conciousness vox towards the end, could turn the track on its head! :up:

Keep an eye on lofimusic.co.uk, there may be gigs in the future (but none planned or wanted until I've readjusted to being a family man)

Love soundclick - it's the only site I can use/listen to from work. :up: :up: Have you got any tracks to listen to?

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Nothing up as per yet. Infact I've been saying that I really ought to get something down, but I'm not that technically minded, and I can't configure my home computer to record things.

We have Cubasis on the computers in Music at school but I'm not too sure and my music teacher's not very helpful being very jaded, jealous and more-over a straight-down-the-line-piano teacher; she resents any other instrument for existing! Oh well! :rolleyes:

I shall try my best to get something down as I'd definitely like some feedback and as I've said before so many times I shall let you all know when I do get things down.

And ofcourse there's all the configuring of what you've recorded to get it to be able to be put up on Soundclick too. If you can gis a few pointers in a pm or something, I'd be very grateful.

But congrats for the family, and let me know if you re-record anything and need some critique. Always here!

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