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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Living with an inconsiderate cunt. She's has been away since mid December, and last night some random guy walked into the flat. I was on my own, sitting in my pyjamas, and had no idea who the fuck this guy was. Turned out my flatmate has given him her keys to sleep in her room over New Year. I had no idea about this whatsoever. She's adamant she told me, well a fucking note on the fridge before she left would have been appreciated. Or a text "reminding" us, as she's always banging on about how you need to take responsibility for your visitors.

Worst thing is, he tried to open my door at about 3am, I'm lucky I had locked it. When he showed himself to her bedroom, my door was wide open so he would have known it wasn't the bloody bathroom. Especially since he used the bathroom before he left.

I was too uncomfortable this morning to bring it up, because again I was on my own in the flat.

She is an inconsiderate fuck at times, and that bloke is not welcome back.

That's quite a scary story - especially the cunt trying your door at 3am. Just as well you had the prexence of mind to lock it.

It was completely inappropriate for your flatmate to do that to you. That guy could have been anyone (I guess he was "anyone" as far as you were concerned) and I agree with the other poster - get her TELT!

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I think Slutbags should stay with her folks for a night and let Jakebassist stay in her room for the night. He can then do his usual routine (taking shits with the door open, trying flatmates doors at 3am etc), that'd learn her flatmate. (Plus, Jake could have a snuffle around in Slutbags knicker drawer as a bonus while she wasn't there)

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Kids with messy faces. So untidy and undignified.

That's what wetwipes are for! I was shocked a couple weeks ago - there was a little boy projectile vomiting outside Robert Gordon's and his mum didn't have a tissue or anything. I gave her the last of my wetwipes, so she could clean him up. Poor wee bugger had it spurting out of his nose.

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No, because that's a real phrase that people actually use already. 'Fine rare' is close enough that people could possibly just pick it up and start saying it. It's the closest I'll ever get to a social experiment!

So, how would this be used? Is it an exclamation of pleasure? Does it describe something as good? Could it be interchangeable with “fit rare”, “nae bad”, “this is the life”? How do you expect it to be said? Have you thought about using the Doric gasp on the ‘fine’ and hitting the ‘rare’ on the exhale?

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So, how would this be used? Is it an exclamation of pleasure? Does it describe something as good? Could it be interchangeable with “fit rare”, “nae bad”, “this is the life”? How do you expect it to be said? Have you thought about using the Doric gasp on the ‘fine’ and hitting the ‘rare’ on the exhale?

It is essentially 'very good'. It's multifunctional and can be used in any context as a positive response. (Or 'nae fine rare' in the negative.)

"How're you doing?"

"Aye, fine rare. Good Christmas?" (here 'fine rare' is said almost as if one word)

"Aye, we had one of those capons instead of turkey. It was fine rare." (intonation placed on the 'fine')

I hadn't actually given too much thought too the breathing techniques behind it, but this lies as a personal preference depending on the user. I think it would probably be easiest to make a small inhalation on the 'fine' and a secondary one on the 'rare'.

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I lived with a girl who's boyfriend was a mink. I think I've talked about them before on here. They left dishes lying about, he stunk of BO and would never wash so you couldn't be in the kitchen when he was there or you'd pass out from fumes. She told us she had to TELL him to wash, and bad mouth him all the time about being shit in bed but she wouldn't dump him.

Then she went away on holiday and let him stay there for 2 weeks, me and my ex were not happy, he had a party one night when we were both meant to be working. And shagged someone else in his girlfriend's bed. Me and my ex moved out pretty sharpish and were told by the landlord the flat had became a environmental health issue.

I sort of laughed when the guy dumped her for someone else, silly cow.

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Nahh, when we left the flat, because we were the only ones that cleaned the place just turned in to a tip. I think we went back once and it stunk so bad we had to hide our noses under our tops.

We all agreed we wouldn't renew the lease so the landlord was showing new folk the flat and walked in to the midden that the other two had created.

Yeah I don't know how he did it, I mean, he stunk, was crap in bed and was a total bastard personality-wise...

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I'm also nocturnal since an all nighter on Hogmany caused me to sleep until 7. Now i fall asleep between 6 and 9 every morning and wake up around 5 or 6 after evening. I've also been having some freaky dreams, i think that's due to some medication i'm on though. Fuck life.

Do everything you possibly can to stay awake for a full working day, or at the very least, start sleeping at 5-6, and wake up around 10 or 11 and go for a walk or meet friends or whatever - just do things. By night time you'll be knackered again.

EDIT: That said, I have the worst sleep of anyone I know, so maybe don't take my advice to the letter.

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Do everything you possibly can to stay awake for a full working day, or at the very least, start sleeping at 5-6, and wake up around 10 or 11 and go for a walk or meet friends or whatever - just do things. By night time you'll be knackered again.

EDIT: That said, I have the worst sleep of anyone I know, so maybe don't take my advice to the letter.

This is good advice for getting back into a normal sleeping pattern.

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