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Equipment For Sale


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I am selling a lot of music equipment and am putting ads out so if you are interested get in touch quick:

Equipment includes:

Stereo PA (Peavey XRD680s)

PA speakers (Peavey Eurosys 2)

PA monitors

Mic stands

Guitar stand

Mics (Shure SM 58 and 57s)

Drum mic kit (Shure)

Other equipment.

I will sell to best offer.

If interested contact me on 07802 709987 (m)



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Thanks for the Peavey XRD680s, Carol. Great buy !

For anybody else watching this thread, the Peavey HiSys 2 speakers are excellent. I used them to try out the PA amp, and would have bought them too if I'd been in the market for speakers.

Cheers - Kevin

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Shure SM58s

The Shure SM58mics have gone now. I still have about 5 SM57s and 10 (yes ten!!!!) mic stands.

All in good condition.

I will add more gear for sale later so watch this space:


Drum Machines

Effects processors and outboard

More details later.


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Music Equipment Sale

I still have some music equipment to sell. To make life easier I am creating separate ads for each item.


I am selling a lot of music equipment and am putting ads out so if you are interested get in touch quick:

Equipment includes:

Stereo PA (Peavey XRD680s)

PA speakers (Peavey Eurosys 2)

PA monitors

Mic stands

Guitar stand

Mics (Shure SM 58 and 57s)

Drum mic kit (Shure)

Other equipment.

I will sell to best offer.

If interested contact me on 07802 709987 (m)



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