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Anna Nicole Smith is Dead

Guest DustyDeviada

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Yep, it's a waste of life, but be prepared for her to suddenly be elevated to Marylin Monroe status with hours & hours of video footage of Joe Public crying into the camera telling the reporters "how much she meant to them" and so forth, ad nauesa :puke:

Sadly, death is quite possibly the greatest career move of them all.

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Any guesses about how long till she bacomes the US Diana?

Can't see it meself. She never exactly had the respect of the nation before, and I don't think many will be too shocked at her death.

For example -

http:// annanicolesmithdies.com

Some harsh messages there...

"U R NOT FORGOTTEN - may angels guide u on ur path to heaven to see ur son and that old dude u killed"

"You truly were our vacuous pillow chested grab-a-grandad princess of heart failure. May you find the peace and massive payout in death that you never found in life."

"Taken from us before she was poor enough to do hardcore :( RIP"

It is sad though, that the baby is now multi-millon dollar pawn in a very grubby game.

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Guest DustyDeviada
correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't it joni mitchell who said 'dont know what you've gone until its gone'

Yes, in 'Big Yellow Taxi', a song in which Joni complains that they 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot' a measure which actually would have alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise something which Joni singularly fails to point out, because it doesn't quite fit with her blinkered view of the world.

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Guest bluesxman
Yes, in 'Big Yellow Taxi', a song in which Joni complains that they 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot' a measure which actually would have alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise something which Joni singularly fails to point out, because it doesn't quite fit with her blinkered view of the world.

When are we getting your fact of the day?

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