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How to record metal raar vocals


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Turn the treble way up to maximise the higher notes and add a brightness. I have also noticed that the reverb is added at the end of a vocal section, not during the main vocals but at the end of a vocal section to acentuate a line. Sometimes a layer is created below the vocal section, one octave below.

Burton C Bell has a very small amount of distortion in his vocals.

Compression seems to be a major part of clean metal vocals, that and also chorus and reverb.

Just my 5 cents.

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compression is a nice way to bring a percussive punch to vocals if it is done properly, but reverb is something that really requires a lot of finesse to get right, it really just depends on the quality of the reverb unit in terms of how much control it gives you over stuff like pre-delay, early reflections, and frequency response. Splitting up individual tracks and sending one to a seperate fx channel, with a different reverb maybe with a more obvious effect is a nice trick, as you said, maybe for the last phrase in a vocal, or for a percussion breakdown, maybe on the last snare.

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hehe...the SM7, with the windshield off and performed into like you would a 58....I'm sure I spied devy using this exact same technique....hetfield does is too....and countless other "heavy" producers use this technique...

I dunno what it is...its really more of a broadcast type mic, and I think it is essentially the same capsule as an SM57, must just be in the way it is designed....

They're "cheap" mics in the states...but a good few hundred over here :down:


Oh yeah and if Devy and Hetfield doesn't rock your boat, Michael Jackson sang into this mic to record Thriller I think :D chamone!!!

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