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Everything posted by AVB

  1. teuchters>toonsers the shire is fucking ace george street is hilarious when the sun's oot
  2. 'Only time will tell if we stand the test of time' thanks Sammy Hagar, you twat. do do n dodo do doo do do doodo
  3. is this the original 106 'Middle aged man driving home from work' playlist?
  4. finally got round to watching 'hunt for the wilderpeople' it was surprisingly good, I like it when I see a movie that isnt a rehashing of the same old story we've all seen a million times. Rhys Darby is always hilarious & Taiki Waititi's involvement made me go back and rewatch 'what we do in the shadows' fucking love that film
  5. I saw that a wee whiley ago, was pleasantly surprised
  6. Ha! aye Repugnant were decent, he did a bunch of projects but Ghost is the only one that blew up. I really liked the first album, the output since then has been patchy, some ace tunes, some terirble. I get why folk dont like em but diffrent stroeks n ah that shite. none o this has owt to do with the Deen though... back to bashing MMW?
  7. Ghost are the only band I can think of that might fall into that category, they're massive just now. Cant say im a fan of the new album, But they must be raking it in. the sheer amount of merch they produce is almost on par with KISS nowadays. Id imagine mr Forge is living pretty cushty off of that alone. but aye, Making a living off playing music alone is pretty much a thing of the past
  8. aye its still there but its heavily geared towards DJ nights, the odd rock/metal gig still happens but they are always horrendously underpromoted. ILast time i went to one a band that i saw play a sold out venue in Glasgow play to 12 people ( including the 5 members of the support band) in the tunnels a week later
  9. That band Cold Years seem to be doing well for themselves, They just did a few dates in Germany.. other than them theres not much outside the Teabagsy scene. from my experience its pretty much a circuit of Musical vision - Drummonds - Krakatoa on loop then the odd trip down to Edinburgh/Glasgow when the work schedules line up. its shite.. even Krakatoa is less of an option now cos if your a local band looking for a gig between June and September they're gonna want you to do the Battle of the bands thing which is fine But 3 summers in a row of bands not getting paid for gigs is a bit much. On another note, getting folk though the door is nigh on impossible. look at Full metal haggis, Captian Tom put on a sick little 2 day event, heaps of bands, reasonable prices and a bus going to a from the venue.. nae cunt showed up. when questioned why 'there's nae that many good bands on the bill' 'its too far' ' i cant be arsed' ...abysmal
  10. that doesnt surprise me at all, was there not a big scandal about them being peadophiles? also lol at 'crunkcore' cos Crunk wasnt quite bad enough already
  11. SAME! Put Rosa on there too
  12. fuck, that Explorer thing is Heinous
  13. been a long time coming, they're prices have been more and more ridiculous as the quality gets worse. good riddance
  14. ah my bad. tragic that there's more than one story of this ilk.
  15. that guy was most likely Daniel. sad story, he used to skate with us back in t' day. he was a good guy but started partying too hard and ended up on smack, selling himself for money to score..usually at golden square. he died a few years ago he was only like 22
  16. Back when I worked on the Green my first human interaction on Saturdays was almost always a 'Lookin Fer BIznessss?' query. so grotty does anyone know/remember the old guy who always wore a 3 piece suit and rode the westhill bus from woodend to union street. dude always smelled horrendous and had hair like a balding homeless version of Einstein.. last time I saw him I was waiting for the bus home and saw a wee bam drop his MAccyD's burger on the floor, him and his wee bam mates then spent the next few minutes gobbing on it then buggered off. Along comes stinky einstein who without hesitation picks the soggy burger up and munches away on it as everyone at the bus stop watches in horror.
  17. stumbled upon this thread today.. any updates on new celebs? I heard Wobble head bob died.. RIP. Is crazy Martin still lurking? I think he's a good guy, he invited me to his Dad's BBQ when I was like 14.. I always felt bad for him, but I did see him smack some junkie woman in the face with the grip tape side of his skateboard on Westburn road a few years ago so yknow swings and roundabouts I stayed in Bucksburn for a while and every tuesday night rain or shine, I saw some dude rollerblading with Ski poles towards the haudagain roundabout in full 80s neon yellow. any one know his story?
  18. AVB


    this could be the plot lines for an entire season of Mrs Browns boys. that show is truly terrible
  19. agreed GAME OVER, MAN' is way better and dickier than expected Went to see A QUIET PLACE in the cinema, it's pretty damn good! the stairs scene is boak inducing. good jump scares and an interesting if slightly nonsensical premise, the ending was a little too Marvel for my liking but its a solid modern horror Also LIFE has been added to Netflix, easily one of my favourite comedies, Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence are bootleggers framed for murder in 1932 and do life in Prison.
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