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  1. Problem? Something wrong with a tattooist having their own style and methods and not just working from a photocopier and transfer?
  2. Just got work started on my full sleeve from Rapport, much talk and discussion went into this but Woody has a real passion for it, and obviously I do. His line work, due to the needles he uses cannot be too thin, if you want precise, small work, Richards in unparalleled in Aberdeen IMO. But if you got an idea, and want some input from a great artist go here. I cannot recommend him enough after my sleeve and it's only half done! I'll let it speak for itself though. (Wasn't healed, nor is it all the detail in it fully done yet, nearly there though)
  3. Heh, thought I'd jump in here and offer an alternate view Medical science right now will be viewed as barbaric in a couple of hundred years time as drilling holes in the skull was during medieval times, basically we cut parts out and zap tumours with a bit of radiation. It's still basically the same butchery that went on in those times, just refined with a better understanding of how, but as destructive. What is known, as proven though placebo AND other means is that the human mind is more powerful than the medicine in a lot of ways, you genuinely believe you are gonna get through cancer, have a supportive environement, the chances are, you will pull through, you give up, get depressed, you're gonna die. BUT, lets get into the more out there thoughts, I've said nothing new to any of you probably. Let's really get into the human psyche. Ever heard of the hallucinogen Ibogaine? It's trips take people on a road to self healing, and you know what, it's being tested out in London right now, by medical doctors to cure addiction in heroin addicts, it's a powerful trip and it shows you to yourself. After one trip many are reported never to touch heroin/coke/tobacco again. Just google "ibogaine treatment" and you'll find many many sites. So, how is this in any way different to the shaman in the jungle drinking his ayahausca? Is it at all?
  4. Where did you find 'This is our punk rock'? It's the only silver mt zion i don't own and i desperatly want it. One of my most listened to bands this last year... <3 the zion!
  5. It's quite pleasent, he said it was a mix of SYL and DTB but I was hoping for a bit more heavyness I love hyperdrive tho, very good devin material. But that man is a hero... Everytime I listen to him I feel fully justified in my tattos
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