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  1. oh my, thanks for helping me out with that. That was not the intention. No they are truly talented. I think it helps them though.
  2. haha no way! if only my friend melany could see this.
  3. In real life? no. On the internet, yes. You have probably seen that typical one thats always around. Looks like its done with wallpaper and its about as thick as a fist..yet still not as long as that one. annnyyyway hehe
  4. thats tough luck kiddo. Yeah i saw it and was more impressed with them printing it rather than the doob....i think.
  5. it should be goddamn snowing. whats the crack?
  6. You were obviously aware of that photo in the reading '03 leaflet/day planner things? i fucking howled when i saw it.
  7. fine. what you talking about though. I think you should think about it more though, the ins and outs of it. I sure will.
  8. No but really. I understand what youre saying but its not entirely true. Dont generalise a nation man, yes they are more tollerant but its not as if it was always this way. Introducing the drug wont cause revolts and revolutions. We should be trying to mirror them more, not thinking we are fine the way we are.
  9. xRobb

    Bill Murray

    VENKMAN! of course he is brilliant! even in kingpin, he just isnt suited to being a twat.
  10. What about Amsterdam? switzerland? where it is very accepted and lets not forget the very open and liberal vancouver. Its just a case of finding the right restrictions on it. Kids could drink instead of going to school couldnt they? but most dont. Its simply having some trust and "faith" in people. I really dont see how it could FURTHER our problems. Stoners arent idiots, idiots are idiots and they smoke marijuana. Keeping things illegal and restricted is not benefitting anyone. Its hypocritical to say that taking choice away from people is reducing social ills.
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